7 reviews liked by StarStorm

I honestly really like the first game, I think it's one of the few porn games that are actually interesting and I genuinely like most of the girls.
Unfortunately the charm is gone for me. The vast majority of the new girls are not really well-written, or not interesting, or their gimmick is just sad (Candace ...). The sex happens way faster than in the first game (I mean sure, it's a sex game) + you can only double date, so you feel less close to the girls. New artstyle is good imo, UI is nice although the shop is a little complicated to navigate through.
The big strength of the game is the gameplay, having way more depth in this sequel, specifically the "baggage" mechanic that actually ties together characters and gameplay !

Worst game ever. Just for horny people who can't get bitches.

A friend I talked to called this "Babies First VN" and that absolutely is what this game is. Sonic should try to be a little more engaging with the "mystery" part of the game next time.

Despite that, I loved getting to see these characters do something for once (the heist section was great) and the gameplay sections are fun. Better than most special stages in real Sonic games. Maybe this series should just be itself and not try to be other things?

Unbelievable that this is the best game the series has put out in half a decade.

I think I should've just gotten Ragnarok instead.

If there is any game I can consider my favorite out of any game, it would probably be this one. CrossCode gets everything right-- every part of it makes one "ultimate experience." If there is one game could get everyone to at least try, it would be this one.

literally impossible to hate this game. if you do, you deserve to be publicly executed by firing squad for hating fun

Kingdom Hearts... what a game. Often called the ARPG that put them on the radar for most people, it certainly does live up to it's legacy in some aspects. Sora is extremely fun to smack the heartless around as-- his various upgrades and magic spells really sell the idea that this RPG is one you yourself have control over all the time. The aesthetic is unparalleled-- the game captures a magical sense of whimsy every moment and it sells the fact that Square and Disney names can coexist to create a cohesive story. It's hard to not like the game when you see these things. Unfortunately, though, many issues rear their ugly heads and get in the way of the main experience: there are many times where areas and bosses are simply poorly designed, and they usually waste your time. Nobody wants to wander around totally aimlessly until the game arbitrarily decides you can now progress. And though this is Square Enix's first 3D game, the camera cannot be given a pass. It is horrid. It alone brings the game down IMMENSELY, with it locking on to targets you aren't even facing and getting caught constantly. But if you can ignore these things, Kingdom Hearts is a good game. And even if you can't, the game will still atonish you with its pure charm and soul it emits. At the very least give a try-- you might find it worth the jank.