If Torna didn't handle sidequests in the most atrocious way possible I'd like it more than base XC2 but alas

Just simply play raw Afterbirth instead you will not regret it

If this game was 5-10 hours shorter it'd be very good, I just felt burnt out by the time I got to the last 4-5 areas

This game is an interesting proof of concept and the core gameplay flow is really fun. I'd be excited if I saw any snake bullet hell hybrids being made in the future due to my experience with this game.

That being said, this game is not good. There are plenty of good bosses, but the shit bosses are shit, and even a lot of the good bosses don't use the snake aspect of the game to its fullest whatsoever. In a game that should be centered around movement and weaving around bullets, so much of it is centered around reacting to sudden patterns or turtling up in focus mode.

World exploration and story also take up so much time without adding anything or being that entertaining. Or that's what I would have said if everything related to the final boss storywise wasn't such a flop ON TOP OF the final boss being one of the worst bosses I've ever fought on the hardest difficulty. Hate describing things based on number ratings, but the final boss and act of the story dropped this game from like a 6/10 to like a 4/10.

It was THIS close to being one of the most fun games I've played this year, but it is what it is.


Game sucks but I like my friends

Anybody got an ipod touch with flappy bird for sale

The game has most of the ingredients to be a 10/10 and one of the best Kiseki games in the series but the super repetitive, formulaic structure just makes me hate Chapters 1-3 the more I think on them. Final two chapters still GOATed though


I used a random number generator to decide what I rate this

My friends put out an @everyone on discord for Among Us, you know, and I wanted to talk to them since like everyone was there, ya know. So after finishing the battle segment of Baldr Sky (Aki Route, Chapter 7) I climbed into VC, like a good friend would do. I waited for their game to end, crawled into their room, game started. 9 person game! Got imposter first round, my partner instantly killed in front of three other people, making the round fall apart instantly. That's alright, first game be like that. Second game, I get killed almost immediately in front of two other crewmates in the hallway between Lab and Specimen. Alright alright bad luck ya know? Third game I get killed in front of like 4-5 other crewmates immediately right below Dropship. Sorry! Fourth and fifth game, also killed immediately right in front of other mfs in obvious places. Sixth game, goes down to seven people, and I'M STILL THE FIRST MOTHERFUCKER TO DIE AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH I FUCKING HATE THIS DOGSHIT GAME WHY DID I SPEND 150 HOURS IN IT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Sometimes it's nerve-wracking to buy porn books when there's a girl at the cash register, but actually she doesn't mind at all. However, if there are two girls there, they might start talking about you after you leave. Be careful!!