This game is far from a good game. Just track down the OST, pass on every other part of this dreadful package.

An excellent game given new life on a newer console, with an extra little campaign to sweeten the deal a bit more for returning players.

A childhood favorite, this is still a solid little adventure that mixes charm and wit to deliver a satisfying story to younger audiences.

Improving on an already phenomenal game is no easy task, but the content added and changed for Royal makes the original Persona 5 hard to return to.

Can't go wrong with a simple Lego game from time to time, especially if it happens to be one of the simplest of the lot.

A fantastic combination of energetic combat, great music, and beautiful visuals. Story's a bit cheesy, but what else would be expected from a cross between Disney and Final Fantasy?

While the dated combat and exploration may seem like a drag compared to what the franchise would become, it still holds surprisingly well on its own for the time it released.

A solid rhythm game bringing together most of the franchise's music in a satisfying way, while still sneaking in some amount of story to justify the existence of this game.

A port that is both held back by and set free from its ties to the 3DS, still excelling within its own merits.

Carrying the weight of a franchise 18 years in the making is no easy feat, but the game manages to pull its story and gameplay together as smoothly as it can.

A classic tough-as-nails platformer that's stood the test of time, though the graphical overhaul has helped matters greatly.

A pleasant little pinball-centered exploration game.

A combination of platforming cornerstones that manages to find its footing, despite any flaws that come from meshing multiple clashing ideas.

A simply sublime indie game, from the visuals to the music, controls and level design.