Extremely (almost too) faithful to the original, the quality of life improvements make this the definitive version to play, hands down. Got the platinum trophy!

What an amazing experience - exploration was so much fun, both solo and co-op play were a blast for me. This was my first "Souls-like" and it was a challenge - but it was worth it. Looking forward to the DLC!

Had fun while playing, but after seeing what open world games can truly be, I can see why people were wanting and expecting more. I can't speak to the previous characters since this is my first Saint's Row game, but the story was definitely hokey.

Spider-man games are a blast and this was no exception. I want to go back and collect the other items that I've missed and see other story that I haven't played - but I may move onto Spider-man 2 first.

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Bombastic boss battles, amazing soundtrack, the high moments were so very high for this game, but the "The crystals have decided our fate for long enough" advertising tag line was negated when the JRPG God boss said that he wanted us to defeat them all along. The side quests had some great payoff, but were often MMO-tedious. I wish they could have included the important content in a meaningful way and trimmed the game down - because this is an action game, not an RPG. It could have been a concise 20 hours like DMC5 (they share the combat director coincidentally) and been fine.

My issues with the story aside, this game was so much fun to play and I look forward to playing the DLC when it is all released. Maybe a Final Fantasy mode replay in the future, but not right away. Too many games to still play for the first time!

Great action! I played some of the PS2 entries on that system and had taken a bit of a break from them. This was a fun, sometimes very weird game and I'm glad to have played the shiny PS5 version. Went out of my way for some extra trophies but I don't have the fortitude to attempt a platinum trophy for this game. And that's ok! If you're looking for a fun stage-based action game, look no further.

Campaign: I had a fun time with it, completed it upon release and would probably play it again at some point since it's pretty short, maybe around the Vessel of Hatred release so the story is fresh again for me.
Seasons: I played Seasons 1 and 2, Season 2 was superior and some quality of life changes really started to come through. Commenting on the itemization needing to be fixed isn't anything new (but it does). I am a casual ARPG player, and this was a lot of time spent in the game already for me. While the game loop is fun, I will revisit it when there are major changes.

The perfect tutorial! I wish there would be more Astro titles, this and the PSVR title on PS4 were both a blast. I really enjoyed collecting all the PlayStation hardware so I could view it all in super 4K hi-res, and the Dualsense still hasn't had its features shown off like in this game, from four years ago.

Played co-op with two friends for our game night on and off for a few months, and the variety of modes were fun, along with figuring out what character worked best for me. After a patch, the other modes were trimmed and the game was just one core versus mode. Didn't play much more after that happened, I enjoyed the modes that were cut.

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I never finished the game on PSP, so I was thrilled when the remaster was announced for PS3, though I never got to it. Then it was ported to PS4 and I finally played this game. The battle system was refined and the extra analog stick not available on the PSP was also very helpful. Some of the most fun and flashy boss fights and a fun way to tell the story, with three character points of view.

Any cutscene with Xehanort is a delight due to the late Leonard Nimoy voicing him perfectly. I appreciated how each character played differently and had their distinct style - my favorite was Aqua.

I may consider replaying this on PS3 someday to get the other set of story trophies, or Xbox for the achievements.