One of my favorite Zombie games, I remember first playing this in 4th grade, and I still enjoy it to this day. I love the characters too, they're not complex or anything it's just fun hearing the shit they say lol. I wish Valve knew how to count to three because L4D is a certified hood classic.


One of my favorite Rockstar games, enjoyed from start to finished.

One of the first games I ever played, I liked it going off of what I remember.

Every kid on the soccer team used to play this game.

Honestly was a great mafia gang from what I remember, I love the process of building up your own mafia, and I believe you were able to customize some of your family. This rating will most likely change if I ever get a chance to play this again.

I don't really play this for the races that much, I mostly play it to have anime wraps on my cars, and drive around just blasting my spotify playlist. I really enjoy this game, and it's probably my favorite racing game behind Midnight Club.

The best game of all time, amazing story, amazing voice acting, amazing atmosphere. The fact that this game includes the origin story of the dude on the plane with the Burger King crown, makes it amazing beyond comprehension.

I regret that this was once a guilty pleasure of mine long ago.

I was expecting a lot from this game, and it delivered. Every boss fight in this game is fire, the soundtrack is amazing, and I gameplay is really good. I really enjoyed the characters, a lot of them question Raiden's ideals, and ultimately make him question himself. I definitely recommend this game as it has great laughs, great gameplay, and great characters.

One of the more fun co-op experiences I had throughout my time as a gamer.

I'm gonna be honest. I didn't think I'd ever beat this game because I felt like it would take an eternity with how it felt so dragged out but it was worth it in the end. I know that makes me sound like I didn't like the game, but don't get me wrong I do.

The vibe this game gives is amazing. I can't really put it in words, but I just feel relaxed playing this game especially the first time I tried it out. The social link aspect is good as well, it's great hanging with other characters, and such. The soundtrack is fucking amazing, honestly one my favorite soundtracks in a game ever. I know story isn't all that good, and pretty basic but I appreciate it still. I really like the cast as well, I know a lot of people prefer 4 but I've enjoyed all of the characters from the moment they were introduced. I haven't played Royal yet, and I'm honestly gonna just try it out once it goes on Switch.

I prefer the first game, but isn't bad at all by any means.

This game was my childhood, it's also where I learned about most of the heroes that are popular today. I'm aware it hasn't aged well in most parts, but this is probably one of my favorite super hero games ever.

Comparing this to when I first started Devil May Cry, it definitely gave me a better impression of the franchise than DMC 1 did (not that it's a bad game ofc). I really enjoy the boss fights, there's definitely a lot more hits than misses. The combat in this game is top tier, especially with the Witch Time. The amount of repeat bosses in this game is a bit annoying though, except for Jeanne as she was my favorite boss fight in the game. Highly recommend this game, and can't wait to play 2.