Great game, but I had some stuttering issues during the pre-rendered cutscenes. I really wish they did the scenarios like this instead of what they did in the remake. I prefer the remake, but this game is still great especially for it’s time.

Solid demo, really loved the music as well.

I'm not that much of a rhythm game guy, but this is pretty fun to play. Plus it has the Code Geass openings, so can't say I hate it.

I enjoyed this game back when I first played it, but after coming back to after a while I like it a lot more now. Definitely one of my favorites.

I had a lot more fun with this game than most people.

Can't take a shit in this game without waiting 5 hours.

It's not a bad game, just not something I could say I enjoyed playing.

I remember playing this as a kid, and didn't even know this was based on a show. Still wanna play it again tho.

A shame that this was my first Silent Hill game.

Wasn't the biggest fan of the gameplay back when I tried it, I kinda got bored at times. I'll definitely come back to it at some point though.

One of my favorite games of all time, I honestly don't think I would've lasted with this game if it wasn't for Dark Souls 3, and Bloodborne making me get used to dying all of the time. Goated soundtrack too, and the story is nice.

I remember that Pizza delivery minigame like it was yesterday.

This game's honestly incredible, especially for the time it was released in. The OST is fire, the characters are great, the voice acting is great as well, I didn't think I'd love this game since stealth isn't my thing but I ended up enjoying it a lot. This game definitely gave me high hopes for the next MGS games I'm going to play.

But if I were to give one complaint about this game is that the controls can be sloppy at times, especially in first person mode. Other than that, I still highly recommend this game.

I've played this game more than once, but I still can't manage to remember a single thing from it besides the opening cutscene.

I thought it was funny that you could throw shit.