Sonic stands still and does nothing for a good 85% of this game's story

I fucking hate every second of this miserable trainwreck (except the tower, that was pretty cool)

Bad physics are still bad, but I like the levels and weapons

I have nothing to say on this one. Ballade's redemption is cool i suppose

How do you fuck up Mega Man physics this badly: the sequel
(ft. bullshit level design)

A GB Mega Man game that doesn't have shitty controls

How do you fuck up Mega Man physics this badly

Wow, a good Sonic sequel. Not often you see one of those.

in typical Sonic sequel fashion, this game is balls

what the actual fuck happened after Advance 1

A game so horrible it violates the geneva conventions

Probably the least memorable game I've ever played

This was made by the Wily Wars devs ofc it's not good

Video game make a good sequel challenge (actually succeeded this time)