Underrated season. Control did save it but the game felt fun again.

The worst battlepass in gaming history

One of the weakest seasons. Didnt help how the servers were sh*t for most the season

One of the best seasons this game had. So much content and the meta was ok at the time.

The most ok season this game has had. Started well but got boring.

The first time i felt sad playing a game :(

Underrated at its time although TF2 blew this out of the park.

When this game hit its peak it was the best online game. Still holds up decently well now but what a game

I remember going on a 1 hour rant with my mate on how much this sucked. The only good mission was in the deep.

However! The year of content was an improvement.

I’m like the only person who actually liked this.
Escalation protocol was life.

The worst thing to ever touch Destiny.

I am a bit nostalgia blind to the strikes/ nightfalls but that’s it.