My childhood summed up in one game.
Without a doubt Xbox's best game ever

The first horror game I played so this has a special place in my heart :)

For a console port it’s great. I have around 450 hours on the PC version of this game. The only negative about the port is the storage system but on a PS5 you can build a decently large theme park with enough scenery for it to look nice.
Kinda wish the storage was an option as I’ll rather play with lower frames and have a massive park.

One of the best 360 games. Was my favourite game of all time before I found P5.

I love almost killing someone to then get 3rd partied and killed. Losing my kill.

It’s nice and fresh to have a new big free title that’s almost fully playable.
I feel like people have been very harsh with this. Get some friends together and play this, its great fun.

Not convinced it’s Better than the first one… yet

Persona 5 is a perfect game. Royal somehow improves it.
This game is my favourite of all time and won’t be beaten for a long time.
I’ve never cared for characters so much in games/ movies.

Absolutely terrifying. Especially being afraid of dolls and mannequins as a child. Franklins voice actor is good surprisingly.

So far it’s pretty bad. OST is decent

Absolutely breathtaking. The writing and story is incredible! This deserves a whole franchise and a collab with Fortnite

Gameplay good but voice acting is a shambles