Hellblade 2 is a very weird game, not in the bad way mind you, it is just weird.
Very pretty game to look at, not as much fun to play, the puzzles are honestly boring and easy, there is no difficulty, you just go point A to point B and interact with something then go to point C until the puzzle ends, also the find a symbol puzzle is back, this one I kinda like. The combat is fine, sometimes the game even tricks you into thinking it is great, which is a plus in my book.
The narrative is fine, worst than the first game, the ending is bad, I do like the journey until we get there, but that last half an hour was honestly a mess.

Dragon's Dogma 2 is an amazing experience overall.

The microtransactions are completely pointless and of all the games for people to get mad at this capcom pratice this one was NOT it.

If you have the opportunity play it, it is for sure one of the best games of 2024

Final Fantasy VII sempre foi uma das minhas historia favoritas, então era quase impossível eu não gostar desse jogo, o que torna bem problemático pra mim a vontade que tive de dropar esse jogo no meio.

O jogo começa muito bem, porém a maioria das "dungeons" do começo/meio do jogo sao pessimas, pessoalmente eu não gostei da exploração no overworld do jogo também, não entendi o motivo de ter que ficar pegando chocobos novos a cada região, ficou bem entediante na terceira vez que tive que fazer isso.

A nova historia é muito boa, não tenho o que reclamar, nos ultimos 3 capitulos ela da uma acelerada muito boa e é quando o jogo está em seu melhor, eu amo o que fizeram com o Zack nesse jogo, apesar de achar que ele merecia mais.

Estou muito animado para a parte 3. Espero minhas respostas sobre o final lá, apenas espero que a Square deixe o jogo menos ubisoft-like

P3 is the best Persona game, the outdated gameplay of FES and the visual novel story of portable made so people never saw P3 with the respect it deserves, the new gameplay really makes this experience even better than it was on FES.

The themes and narrative of P3 reminds us of how powerful JRPGs narratives can be, this game is just a life lesson, I am really grateful that atlus took their time to bring us reload.

Although none of the trails games managed to be one of my all time favorites (Trails to Azure and Cold Steel IV got close, though), the Trails series is now one of my favorites overall.
Looking forward to Reverie and the Calvard arc now.

Let me start by stating the obvious, but apparently some people did not get the memo, This is Final Fantasy, there is absolutely no way you can deny it.

I've always been a fan of Final Fantasy, but I was extremely skeptical about this game after the shitshow that was XV, But then came the demo that sold me, and that prologue is the best thing about this game.

Although I personally prefer FF7R combat from the modern titles this one was very fun, and I had next to zero problems with it.

Clive is one of my favorite FF protagonists right now, and XVI's incarnation of Sid is by far the better one.

The story falls off after the middle point of the game but it never gets bad, but it is disappointing in the end, considering how strong it starts.

Performance was a low point for the game, Fidelity mode is alright, but the motion blur made me sick, so I had to settle for Performance mode, which was all over the place, I hope they patch it.

The game is very good, if you have the opportunity, pick it up

That ending was something else.
Great soundtrack, gameplay was way more fun than in 2.
I'm looking forward to playing Cold Steel 4, to see how they one-up this one.

Tears of the Kingdom is not only peak The Legend Of Zelda, it is peak gaming.

The freedom TOTK gives you is amazing, the amount of content that is avaliable to be done right from the first few hours is also amazing.

ToTK addresses a lot of the criticism that BOTW had, like weapon durability which is somewhat fixed by the fuse system, the lack of dungeons, that is addressed by the 5 temples and last but not least, it puts the Legend back in The Legend of Zelda, because although I love BOTW its story was not a strong point.

The new abilities are insanely fun and engaging to use, the zonai devices makes this game feel like minecraft 2.0, the amount of stuff you can create with it is insane.

This game was more engaging than BOTW to me, in BOTW the game managed to get me to do around 80 shrines before I decided I was ready to beat it, in TOTK I did all the 152 shrines + 120 lightroots before I decided to go on and roll the credits.

I absolutely love this game with all my soul


Tears of The Kingdom não é apenas o auge de The Legend Of Zelda, é o auge dos jogos.

A liberdade que TOTK te proporciona é incrível, a quantidade de conteúdo disponível para ser explorado logo nas primeiras horas também é insano.

TOTK aborda muitas das críticas que BOTW teve, como a durabilidade das armas, que é parcialmente corrigida pelo sistema de fuse, a falta de dungeons, que é solucionada pelos 5 templos, e, por último, mas não menos importante, ele traz de volta a Lenda em The Legend of Zelda, porque, mesmo que eu ame BOTW, história não era um ponto forte.

As novas habilidades são bizarramente divertidas de usar, os dispositivos zonai fazem este jogo parecer o minecraft 2.0, a quantidade de coisas que você pode criar com eles é insana.

Este jogo foi mais envolvente para mim do que BOTW, em BOTW o jogo conseguiu me fazer completar cerca de 80 santuários antes de eu decidir que estava pronto para terminá-lo, em TOTK, eu completei todos os 152 shrines + 120 lightroots antes de decidir seguir em frente e ver os créditos.

Eu amo muito esse jogo.

Great game, fun and engaging.
J.K Rowling is evil tho

Hi-Fi Rush is pure fun, funny dialogues, fun combat and a banger soundtrack.

We got our first GOTY contender.