"Mechanically, actually pretty solid, a Metroidvania/Megaman-esque structure and a decent degree of difficulty. Important positive aspects, but I'm sad to say that's where they end. Everything else is lacking or just outright bad, particularly the writing and humor, which I'll straight up say it's not funny at all. I wont be too harsh on the game since, from my understanding, this is made by one person only and there's potential for better in the future."

"Such a shame what happened to Rumbleverse or, moreover, what didn't happen. One of the most original ideas for a battle royale, accompanied by a unique look and sense of humour to boot, Rumbleverse was overall a pretty fun experience with tons of potential. Sure, it had some balancing issues, but besides that it was a game most people could have fun with, playing solo or with friends. It was just fun to brawl around and it's sad to think there's not a lot of other options for if you want to just super german suplex someone from the top of a building. Hopefully someone will look at what this game was and improve upon its already solid foundation."

"In fairness, considering recently I could only replay the campaign, I'll try to also recall my multiplayer experience from back in the day. The campaign itself is pretty standard for the time, really not that much to talk about, now the online, that's where the true heart of the game was. Chaotic, massive scale in several different environments, usually a pretty fun experience, but not always balanced. The issues were usually with the maps themselves, either making you run across the whole map just to get killed instantly or giving one of the sides a distinct advantage. These examples did ruin the match experience sometimes, but overall it was always a pretty solid FPS with, at the time, some of the best graphics we had seen. I will also highlight the sound, it's still a strong point today, the gunshots, explosions, vehicles, just incredibly realistic and immersive. Truly a milestone in the Battlefield series."

"Aptly named, as this is one of the most artistically beautiful videogames I've ever played. The colors, characters and scenarios are rich, beautiful and almost painting worthy at times - which helps pull away from the simplicity of its gameplay. I think that's where a lot of people will turn away from this. Solely as a videogame, it is quite lacking, there isn't a whole lot you can do and even the narrative is quite straightforward, but as an interactive experience, I personally thought it was great. It's a 4-5 hour visual journey about identity and artistic development with a fun focus on music, characters (really good voice acting as well) and astounding settings. Highly recommend it!"

"Although Tacoma's main game mechanics may not be unique, they are expertly used. Not only do they successfully achieve a satisfying gameplay loop, they also tell a wonderful story. In terms of narrative I definitely came in with certain expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised when things didn't go as I thought. And throughout all this, you get to explore the interesting station of Tacoma, while getting to know the cast of complex and human characters. The whole experience, while short, is very worthwhile and I recommend it to anyone looking to spend 2 or 3 hours in space."

"This game really caters to me. Norse mythology? Check. Incredible scenarios? Check. Goose-bump inducing soundtrack? Check (Bear McReary is fantastic). Grumpy, but ultimately badass protagonist? Pretty sure if you look that up in an encyclopedia, you'll see a picture of Kratos. Fun gameplay with plenty of cool weapons and abilities? Absolutely, didn't find much space to feel bored. All of this combined, results in a premium cinematic videogame experience with a story that ultimately pays off and leaves room for a sequel. It might not be the perfect game, but it was perfect to me."

"Two big caveats with this one: first, I'm not the biggest fighting games fan; second, I only played through the story mode, so I won't take those into account. That being said, here are the positives I experienced: it is fun to put superheroes into this sort of scenario and there is a lot of variety on who you can play as, which changes the gameplay almost completely in mostly fun and unique ways. The story mode is messy but somewhat entertaining, however, (going to the more negative side of things) the cutscene animations are really poor and the models are just plain bad in some cases, even for the time. I also experienced some difficulty inconsistency, but nothing major. Overall, it can be fun, but forgettable, I'm sure fans of the genre and/or of DC Comics will have a good enough time though."

"Even if the story presented is a bit vague, Dandara does a great job at setting up the atmosphere of its world, with the help of a beautiful 2D pixel art style and a pleasant soundtrack, you find yourself wanting to explore more of this world. And, unfortunately, that's where its main problem lies - the map. Genuinely one of the most difficult maps to traverse in recent memory and with the occasional more difficult sections of the game (and lack of save points), it means you have to repeat entire areas pretty often. Thankfully, the gameplay is pretty solid, giving you unique ways to deal with enemies and traps with the core mechanics evolving throughout the game. Overall, a recommendation for fans of 2D platformers and metroidvanias or if it's in any of your game subscription (sadly, it's no longer in the PS Plus catalogue)."

"I like the concept of this game, you have a somewhat large map to explore, various tasks to complete and items to collect, all of this is potentially a collectionists dream. But, at least for now, it just feels like a very incomplete game, filled with flawed or, occasionally, missing mechanics. All that said, I might revisit later if it gets any updates."

"From what I know, this is a simple student project, which explains its simplicity and duration (no more then 10 minutes), so that's somehting to take into consideration. The more positive aspect is the cute and cozy art style and character design. There truly isn't much else to say beyond that and, at the end, you will have experienced a short, but cozy, gaming experience."

"A very self-explanatory title. It's (incredibly) short duration, allows you to enjoy a relaxing experience, giving you a moment to appreciate the design and art style of the limited scenario. One could hope for a slightly more difficult time playing but, you know, at the end of the day, it's just forgs."

When you hear about a stand-alone game with Far Cry’s mechanics and an 80’s neon/action movie aesthetics, I think it’s safe to say you expect a good finished product, or at least a fun one. Well, that’s not what I found with Blood Dragon. It’s world ends up feeling dull and uninspired, some of the missions can be fun, but there’s not many of them and, to be fair, there’s not much of anything else. The mechanics are fine and you have some fun weapons at your disposal, but you end up fighting the same 3 or 4 enemies over and over – not even the titular Blood Dragons bring much joy into it.

It is essentially a tech demo, but it ends up being much more than that. Short and sweet, ASTRO’s Playroom is a really fun experience, with simple mechanics and great graphics, it’s just a joy to play. It also allows you to go down memory lane with a ton of Sony and Playstation memorabilia, references and easter eggs, which all add up to a fun and cute experience. All in all it’s definitely worth your time if you have a PS5.