All things batshit weird about this game, it’s still a fun adventure game. I will say the beginning is the weakest but once it starts, it doesn’t stop.

While buggy and sometimes the controls can be clunky, this is probably one of the most beautiful looking games I’ve seen in a while.

The colossus battles are some of the more interesting boss battle puzzles I’ve played and it shows that there was a lot of love and imagination in the game. Very reminiscent of a Legend of Zelda game before Breathe of the Wild became popular.

Also, the score is PHENOMENAL! Dark, Haunting and Whimsical all in one.

A significant improvement over the original and a much larger storytelling approach to a fun and wacky world.

I know for a game like this, it’s definitely needs multiple playthroughs but honestly for what I got, I think it’s pretty damn good from start to finish story wise (for my playthrough at least).

I was very skeptical in the beginning with the REALLY bad voice acting and very hilarious prologue, but as the game progressed, I was very into the story, picking and choosing the best path to go about this.

As a script writer myself, I was going off of how I see this being a film, and I feel like a lot of people really enjoy that feeling of choosing and coming up with the best route to play this game. This is definitely an experience and I can’t wait to check out the other games Quantic Dream.


Eerie, short and filled with lots of very cool atmospheric visuals. A nice little puzzle platformer

Definitely an improvement over Limbo for sure and the content is quite good with the dystopian hive mind kind of world. The puzzles in this one are far more fun and complex so it’s a step in the right direction for sure.

Stylistically Pleasing and Funny but there’s something about a point and click style game like this that deserves something more. Entertaining especially the crime noir style of it all.

While the gameplay for me isn’t fun and the cutscenes feel very cheap with comicbook esc style, it’s not a terrible entry but for me it’s definitely my least favorite in the series

Probably the most underrated and under appreciated hack and slash/adventure game series. This one is probably my favorite out of the three I’ve played thus far.

Engaging and full of so much game mechanics that makes the game fun.

Wow! Neon White is one of those rare occasions where I find myself enjoying the hell out of the game!

This game packs a lot for the players to understand from how to manage your cards to figuring out the quickest way to finishing the level faster. It’s exhilarating and fun! The levels and EVEN the three boss levels are fucking insane! I find myself questioning how the hell did I do it sometimes!

My one main criticism is the voice acting and story feels similar to anime, which is cool but can be very annoying when there isn’t much for me to look at besides cutouts and movement of the characters.

Still, probably the best game I’ve played all year. This game does a number on you even when it’s as simple as it can get.

As much as I love theses 3D Mario platform games, they can be quite difficult.

Super Mario 64: The hardest of the three and the mechanics haven’t change. They are delayed and choppy as hell

Sunshine: The best one in my opinion, the controls are different but I got used to them.

Galaxy: Never played this one before but it was fine. Don’t play it on the Switch Lite!!!!

Kinda annoying with its slow down and speed up moments but a good game nonetheless.