Is this what wearing the Chernobyl reactor as an arm cannon does to your brain

You can’t go more than 2 rooms in this game without a set of instakill spikes lying around

Mega Man 8 finally clicked with me when I realized this is the only game where you can use the buster with special weapons, and it makes combat in this game so much fun.

Megaman should have pulled the trigger on Wily for making me deal with that final boss

A game with such a fun movement system that encourages tons of player expression through well designed levels that is unfortunately held back from being truly great in the horrifically buggy state it's currently in.

More like Mega Man 5/10 am I right

One of the best improvement patches out there. It's so commendable how well the added content blends in, and the QoL for the rest of the game makes going back to the original an impossibility for me now.

Liked this one more than BN2 and 5, which is an opinion that would have gotten you killed on a mid 2000s forum. Maybe I should try out the other Megaman games people say are "the bad ones".

Cute remakes of these games and the Wily Tower is fun little mode, but I think I'll just stick with the NES versions of these.

There is this strange part of me that likes this more than 2 and 3 and I cannot fully put it into words.

Liberation Missions are so good man, wish they did more of them

Nintendo is such an esteemed house when it comes to games of this ilk, ones that are easy to pick up but endlessly replayable, but this is where I believe that philosophy of game design peaked. Nearly 12 years after its release, that luster still hasn't faded; everything is as fun as I remember it being, and it becomes impossible for me to not have a giant smile on my face playing it. This is my prime example of what a perfect videogame looks like.

There is no multiplayer game experience that matches the electric feeling when a Wacky Watch enters the game. That, and several other elements like the Reverse Mushroom and Game Guy, are the secret sauce that keep this one evergreen.

One of those rare pitch-perfect remakes that retains all the original's charm and then some. The amount of love and respect you can tell went into this by everyone involved is so clear.

They put Petey in the game so everything else was just a formality