489 reviews liked by Takumi

But you didn't have to cut me off
Gameplay is better but everything else is still sucky
And I don't even need your love
But Nero treats me like Dante and that feels so rough

No you didn't have to stoop so low
Like seriously why would you make me play through the same levels twice
Guessing I will have to though

Now you are just a game I play for DMC five


I was willing to look past the problems with the HD collection (effects are worse compared to the originals and you can't tab out of DMC1 and DMC2 unless you want the game to crash, only can go up to 1080p resolution, locked at 60 FPS) until tonight where I lost 17 hours of playtime on a Dante save file because I accidentally overwrite it with a vergil save file. I am so unbelievably livid because I had almost maxed out all of Dante's styles, weapons, health, Devil Trigger, etc and was getting ready to play through on Dante Must Die. This is another lazy pc port by Capcom and while the games run fine, it just screams lazy and unoptimized when the effects are somehow worse than the PS2 originals and the save file system in DMC3 is somehow still not fixed to allow the characters to not overwrite each other's save data.


Persona 3 is a product of its time. Combining the emo and edgy aesthetics of the 2000s with a melancholic narrative (even referencing Japan's Lost Decade), it eventually reveals itself as a kind of response to nihilistic thinking. With the slice-of-life tropes and structure seen in many anime, as well as functioning as a traditional JRPG about the power of friendship and how your relationships with those around you make you stronger, it is an amalgamation of ideas and references that converge to tell one of the best stories in the medium, with deep discussions about death and life as a whole.

Then they decided to remake the whole game almost 20 years later, and what we got was one of the best games of today. Some may miss the low-budget anime cutscenes that relied on smart direction to avoid being just a slideshow, or the previously described charismatic aesthetics of the time, but honestly, these details are completely irrelevant compared to the amount of things they got right.

The gameplay is more refined than ever, the one more system works as well as one would expect from a post-P5 Persona, Tartarus looks gorgeous and is extremely satisfying to explore, the game's visual presentation is impeccable in almost every aspect, the new songs are some of the best in the franchise and the new content greatly enriches the already phenomenal narrative of the original game.

For those who complained about the lack of social links for the male party members (which personally never bothered me, especially since characters like Akihiko or Junpei are much better written than any other male character in the other games), they added several events with them that function as mini social links, helping you get to know and connect with SEES better.

By the way, SEES is perfect here, all the characters are very well written, all have their motivations and personal arcs, which usually end with each finding their own answer to the meaning of life. The new events you can participate in with them only further highlight how good this party is.

The new battle against Nyx did not disappoint me at all, they perfectly captured everything I found so great about this boss fight, besides being extremely epic and thrilling in itself.

At the end of the game, I could only think about how they managed to make me experience the magic of finishing Persona 3 for the first time again; those 77 hours were very special to me.

I never thought I would say this, but thank you, Atlus.

Following a sudden heart attack and a diagnosis of arrhythmia, protagonist Hisao Nakai is forced to accommodate to a new life at Yamaku Academy, a school specifically designed to rehabilitate disabled students, where he meets six girls who may or may not change the trajectory of his life forever.

Twelve years ago, Katawa Shoujo originated as an indie effort from Four Leaf Studios and introduced many new people to the Visual Novel genre, as it was free to download and those who played it quickly spread the word. Even if it lost some of it's former glory with the passing of time, the game is still being discussed to this day, despite Doki Doki Literature Club pretty much replacing it as the entry-level visual novel in 2017. Even then, there was a fanmade remaster of Katawa Shoujo published in 2022, which was approved by the developers themselves and added many new accessibility options, like settings for colorblindness and self-voicing text, but also support for higher resolutions and better compability with modern hardware, including mobile devices. It can be downloaded here.

The story branches across five different routes with a shared prologue and every single of these routes is assigned to a certain girl. I would suggest to go in blind and follow your intuition for the very first playthrough, so it feels the most natural, but I won't stop you from resetting in order to pursue your favorite character either. As for me, Lilly's Route was my first one and she and Hanako quickly became my favorites out of the cast, I really appreciate the family bond between the two of them and the execution of that concept is simply great in both of their routes. The subject matter of disabilities is difficult to talk about for many, but Katawa Shoujo manages to treat the topic respectfully and portrays each character as unmistakenbly human - everyone has their own dreams, fears and experiences emotions in different ways, no matter what their current condition might be.

There are plenty of pretty CGs to invest you further into the narrative and the soundtrack made me feel strangely nostalgic for a game I have never played before. Songs like Afternoon and Concord are beautiful and uplifting, but compositions like Shadow of the Truth and Moment of Decision convey a more melanchonic and emotional tone during serious moments.

Katawa Shoujo might not be a masterpiece in storytelling, as the routes are all written by different people and it shows at times, but there was not a single route I actively disliked playing - although I found Rin's to be rather hard to follow at times. In the end, it's not a high-budget production by some big Japanese studio, it's a sweet romance story with heartfelt messages and I'd love to put it on someone's radar again after it lost popularity in the recent years. If you have time, please check out @MacBlank's review of the game too, they deserve it.

Rest in Peace, Raide.

Fazia muito tempo que eu queria jogar Sekiro, era um dos três jogos da From que são no estilo Souls que eu não tinha zerado (Bloodborne, Demon Souls e esse) Minha primeira vez foi em 2022 e lá nossa senhora foi um desastre, joguei o inicio no xbox one e o jogo além de rodar mal lá, foi uma péssima primeira impressão, eu não conseguia me acostumar com o ritmo dele e então acabei deixando de lado.

Essa semana peguei novamente e agora sim o jogo clicou comigo, que gameplay deliciosa cara, uma das melhores que vi a From fazer, tudo é estratégia e timing PURO, vira quase memória muscular. Os bosses são fodasticos também tirando poucas exceções.

E o level design é incrível, chega um momento que o jogo da muita liberdade na exploração e isso sempre me enche os olhos quando um jogo Souls faz bem.

Saí muito satisfeito com Sekiro e eu estou muito feliz por não ter desistido desse jogo, no futuro ainda quero platinar e fazer o new game plus!

"Super Mario Bros saved the gaming industry!!!" "Super Mario 64 pioneered 3D games!!!" "Ocarina of time invented the targeting system!!!" Bitch, did it single handedly rot the brains out of our current generation? Didn't think so

Happened to my buddy Donald once

Cuno likes that word shit. That well-written shit. Makes Cuno feel like he's in Night City, in Rage City, ridin' the fuckin' lightnin'. C said all this ideology shit is lame. It's not lame because Cuno says it's not lame. That commie shit is comin' up strong. High velocity shit. Game's so good Cuno doesn't mind playin' as a fuckin' pig. Cuno likes that amnesia shit. That voices in your head type shit. Cuno can relate.

The Cuno doesn't FUCKIN' care if you give this review a like. Cuno stays Cuno.