A masterpiece of puzzle games. A part of Valve's golden age, featuring both a great concept and a great game engine

When I told a friend RE5 is a good action game, he answered that was the problem, it isn't supposed to be an action game but a survival horror, as RE4 is.
I'm sorry mate but RE4 isn't a survival horror, it is an action game.
RE5 is the polished version of RE4, more silly, more ludicrous, more unashamed (which is a feat considering RE4 was already very much unashamed). It is more dynamic due to a new inventory system, it features deeper light rpg elements that allow upgrading weapons in a very dumb way (hello, 100 bullets per clip pistol) and has enough ideas spread all along the adventure through its level design and bosses to never be boring. I must point out the mercenary bonus game mode, way more elaborate than RE4's, that really is a game in a game you can spent dozen hours on. Very arcady, very fun.

When it comes to Valve's games, I cannot say which one of them has been more impactful on videogame as a media. Portal, Left4Dead and Half-life are frequently cited (I intentionally do not speak about counter-strike), but I believe TF2 is comparable. Yet, TF2 has also gived a lot to animation for instance. So it is certainly better in a way.

Done for the first Time in 2022. It has old well.

As we say in french : OSEF

Each system work, but none function. Inventory is full. Characters are level design tools. Open world is uselss. Combats are unreadable. And dunjeons are too dark to see something.

Funny unsee game concept correctly made.

Meh. I spent a lot of time on this and I must consider this writing these lines.

A game that lasts more than a decade isn't bad. How can it be ? Yet, I shout down its design for being clearly oriented towards top elos. Unfortunately, the vast majority of players are simply ignored, although they fund the game.

A surprisingly arcade and complete game, that got me hook with its 3 game modes in very different ways.
I must say tho I would certainly give this game 5 star if it was only gameplay-wise. Not saying its story is bad, I let you judge this. No, what bothers me is the usual propaganda of COD serie that is absolutely unheardable for the adult I am.

Well, it created a genre. And what genre ! The 4 coop action game is a genre that screams at the face of the earth "videogame". It can only be understood by playing it, and navigating through all it's layers of complexity, satisfaction and fun it has to offer. Thanks for existing L4D2 and be blessed for giving life to PAYDAY2, Vermintide or Depth.

A classical battle royal fps that focuses on movements and gunfights. It is not so punitive, which is a really good thing.
Yet, I don't like BR structure. Gunfights, yet good, aren't great either. If you don't have friends to play with, I do not recommand.

The free-fall feeling is particularly successful : I wasn't able to parachute myself correctly because I was way too afraid falling.