10 reviews liked by Teban

innovative experiences like this are the ones which'll be remembered far from now in the future

really good and exploring the world was fun but the balancing and damage dealt by enemies was fucking annoying and the ending fights and stuff were a little dumb

i love this game for rachel amber shes a queen

I was scared that this game wouldn't live up to the hype and would actually be really boring and I'm so glad it wasn't.

The main "gameplay" is reading lots of words. But goddamn the words are really interesting and immersive. The world-building is incredible and the characters are lovable. The game presents Martinaise as glum and ugly but every NPC is so full of life and the writing is surprisingly silly. It's a game where I feel fine picking the "bad" dialogue options just because they're funny and I want to see what happens.

The dice-rolling and skill tree aspect of the game provides all these unique dialogue options which is really cool and makes my playthrough feel very unique to me. Which you don't feel often, even in some choice based games. All of the side-quests are super fun and everything manages to link together back to the main case which is so swag.

I'm waiting for the sequel now.

was really good but i don't remember this game nearly as much as I remember the other

franziska can fucking step on me and destroy me

cray cray crayzy and fun card game

This game was sooo freaking incredible!!!!!! First proper game I've played in VR and it was insanely good. This game worked perfectly in VR and they made it a really good port being able to run and gun is really fun.

The first time I played Resident Evil 4, I honestly didn't like it that much compared to the previous games because of how different it was and that it was more action-oriented. But this VR version was so fuckin good it is one of my best gaming experiences in my life so far.



Way surpassed my expectations. This is what I imagine the exploration was supposed to feel like in the original Legend of Zelda. There are an insane amount of secrets in this game so you should go in blind. The secrets are so cool because they keep the pacing really good - at every turn it's like "Hey a secret" and you get that little dopamine rush. There are some great, tricky boss fights. The combat lock-on controls were not very good but it's fine.

The final puzzle blew my ass off it's one of the coolest puzzles I've ever done.

Maybe the best old-school RPG game out there. Everything was done perfectly and it had a very interesting story from start to finish and it never got boring or hung around for too long in one place.

It also doesn't have any of the stupid shit that is normally in RPGs like this. No random encounters! Characters that aren't in your party still level up! It's a nice length around 25-30 hours. And the auto-battle (in the PC remake at least) is really useful for making the non boss battles go by quicker.

Great story and gameplay and graphics and everything. There are also 13 different endings and its epic. This game lives up to the hype.