Definitely finish it. Saw the plot twist coming a mile away.

Very technical and challenging kart racer for the pros.
The wumpa coin rewards could use a bump up for those who prefer playing single player only.
Hard difficulty is insanely god-level hard (could be skill issue).
Wumpa store is very invasive and in your face.
Would prefer a different approach to unlocking everything.

Combat needs improvement and variety. Story was good.

Boring missions, lost interest after 2 hours of playing.

I couldnt get past the 4th level. I suck at this lol


MUST PLAY FOR THE STORY. Top game of all time

As another person put in on their review: it's good at capturing a mood. The gameplay was not great and the story is predictable. I somewhat liked how things unraveled as you explore the house and maybe would have enjoyed some puzzle along the way.


Boring, maybe better if I played in VR.

Excellent platformer with very creative level design. Problem is: I went into the game wanting to collect everything, i.e., the Kong letters AND the puzzle pieces and at that point the game started to wear me down. There are some ABSOLUTELY annoying puzzle pieces in some levels that grinded my gears. You can use the shop items to your benefit as coins are easy to collect everywhere but will not help by much. Definite recommendation but think twice if you want to 100% the game.

Play it for the story because it is EXCELLENT! Phenomenal acting and cut scenes. Beautiful graphics and presentation. Sick soundtrack and fast-paced story which will hook you all the way from chapter 1 to 20. Gameplay takes a backseat though and there is not much reason to play the Free-Ride Mode other than for some achievements as side missions only exist to unlock bonus costumes, etc. So there is a huge missed opportunity here.

Fun arcade racer but gameplay lacks variety to keep me invested till the end. Might revisit later.

Excellent coop game with easy to pick up controls and variety of ways to strategize and play around character abilities. Although would recommend playing on PC or any other platform despite being a 2D game. Experienced multiple slowdowns and drops in framerates (max 30 fps sadly) on the switch. Even experienced crashes 1 or 2 times but fortunately didn't destroy the run. The new updates have not arrived on the switch yet so still waiting to achieve the true ending.

Only logged 2.5 hours and I'm pretty sold on this game. Great handling model, nice variety of events and cars in the playlists and an excellent and vibrant open-world to explore. I found myself in zen-mode after playing a few races. Have not yet raced against other players online but keen on trying that when I will definitely cop this one later on as it gets a bigger discount.

Wanted to play a classic horror game. But Frictional Games has come a long way since and I firmly believe SOMA is their masterpiece. Often found myself scratching my head with some of the puzzles and felt irritated every time I had to read boring notes throughout the game. The Brutes' AI is quite limited and can be easily cheated but I have to give props to how your sanity drains when you look at them. Disappointing ending tbh.

Quick n easy. Cosy game. Easy achievements. My world record speedrun is sub 8 minutes.