Fantastic game in the sort of micro genre where you have to maximise points by placing like for like objects together.

I honestly love this, its nice and low pressure and you can easily get lost in it for hours, unlockables give you a nice motivator to keep replaying.

There is often a temptation with games like these to keep piling on rules or transformative mechanics to make placing pieces more and more difficult, things like placing x piece will cause a load of issues unless placed in y fashion, it's nice that this game doesn't do that.

Good questions, tougher than the first, makes for a more interesting game. Customisation options not as hard to understand.

Frustrating part would be having to log into a ubisoft account just to play as far as I can tell, no one ever wants to sign up to a second service (even if it is free) just to play a game they bought.

I haven't played it enough yet but I'm really hoping the family favourite of rejecting the same category over and over eventually gives you that category twice as a 'choice' I love it, and I never intend to find out whether its an intended feature or a bug.

Finally can I just say I love when a game is low stakes enough that non-issues like text visibly resizing as it pops in are still present, I would absolutely love to see more of this in games. Absolutely adore 'yeah we know you don't mind and we don't think its enough of a problem that you're going to send death threats over it (we hope)' attitude, its the best sort of silent conversation that I am purely imagining in my own head that doesn't exist, what am I talking about.

Mindless fun, enjoyable but the final few upgrades cost far too much.

Fun micro horror game, well worth the time.

I'm being harsh here but losing my entire evenings work of resources because respawning wiped my storage hut has made me lose all interest in continuing.

Probably a really good game.

Fantastic little game, even with my mild knowledge of art its great seeing famous paintings brought to life, great humour and fun progression.

One of the best puzzlers i've ever played, badly.

Fun, light castlevania experience, good enough that I'm regretting not ever looking into RoL before.

Art and music are cracking, as a game jam creation its pretty rad. Worth a look for the short experience. Would love to see more of this aesthetic.

Fun but very slow, I've enjoyed my time with it and i'll definately be returning to it from time to time but its hard to find the motivation to keep playing it constantly.

Has some awesome music, that reminds me a bit of jet set and holds up surprisingly well but some boss and level designs are just bafflingly frustrating and take away from the overall enjoyment, if you love sonic you'll still get a lot out of it.

A lovely platformer, not too complicated or challenging, perfect for people new to the genre

Been meaning to get to this for a while and it was exactly as good as I thought it would be, and I've still got a wealth of extra content to explore in the future.

Also unexpected has a nice strong narrative thread that really resonates, deserves to be up there with stuff like portal.

Incredible game, well realised and excellently crafted.

Cracking little game, has nice storytelling through what you unpack, it's not too fussy or demanding when it comes to what you put where.

Honestly wouldn't mind more of this again some day.