Great strategic gameplay and a celebration of Fire Emblem's history bogged down by a terrible story, forgettable characters and a mediocre soundtrack.

A fun, short platforming/resource management adventure that does a good job building suspense. Maybe I'm slow but I wish you had more light to explore with and didn't have to resurface so often, it adds artificial gameplay time. The ending is underwhelmening

One of the greatest 3D Platformers ever made that is still fun today. A bit on the short and easy side, but every single level is full of just the right amount of secrets, collectibles and platforming challenge

A fantastic remaster of 2 great games that needed an update. You don't have to know anything about skateboarding to enjoy and appreciate the intuitive controls, customization and variety of levels, moves, and skaters, and playing with a friend is even more of a blast.

Still the pinnacle of the Mario Party series. Refined what the first game did well and threw out what it didn't. Great board design, good balance of skill and luck-based minigames. While future games have more variety and modes, this is the essential Mario Party experience

A classic game that is still a ton of fun today. The camera can be frustrating, and some of the levels are uninspired or boring, but this game set the standard for 3D platformers

Great tennis gameplay in a colorful, visually appealing package with a good variety of characters, courts and game modes. Probably the most underrated multiplayer N64 title.

The core of a good game is there but the roster, game modes, and gameplay needs more depth and variety. Future GCN titles built upon this and are more worth your time and money

One of my favorite games as a kid, but playing it today, the button mashing grappling system is rough. The roster has most of my childhood favorites and each wrestler's theme song, and each wrestler has their own finisher but otherwise the same moves. The royal rumble mode can still be fun today, but overall the best wrestling games are at least a generation later.

Decent Fire Emblem (Tactical Turn-Based RPG) gameplay but a rather uninspired title. The story, characters, map variety and game play mechanics are all fine but I'd recommend starting elsewhere if you're curious about Fire Emblem games.

My favorite football game ever made. The variety of offensive systems and playbooks aren't seen in the NFL, and the dynasty mode is unmatched in capturing the feeling of becoming a college football powerhouse. The recruiting system has been streamlined from prior titles (some people didn't like this but in my opinion it was needed)

The greatest wrestling game ever made in my opinion. The gameplay is accessible yet deep, and fast-paced but not out of control. There's a wide variety of matches including the new elimination chamber match, a fun career mode where your choices impact the story, a deep create-a-wrestler mode as well as a deep roster. It's a bit sad to see a modern game hasn't taken what this game did and modernized it with even more career depth, match types, customization options, game modes, etc.

A solid if unspectacular adventure brimming with charm. Worth picking up especially if you enjoyed the original

The game frequently credited with reviving the Fire Emblem franchise, but I wouldn't put this in the top tier of the series. One the plus side, the characters and story are solid, the weapon variety and promotion system are top-notch, and the world map is for the most part good (except hunting around a bunch of stores for the item you want.) However, many of the new mechanics such as pair-up and ambush spawns encourage tactics such as turtling. Still solid gameplay with a good variety of maps, but I think there's at least 3 better entries in the franchise.

The best game to introduce someone to the Fire Emblem series (assuming they can afford it!) The game progresses at the perfect clip introducing new mechanics, lore, characters and conversations to keep you engaged. The story and worldbuilding are very good, though the gameplay is a bit slow especially with animations on.
The game is on the easier side of the series as a whole (with a few exceptions) but newcomers to the series will appreciate that.