Screw Entomophobia / Arachnophobia

Games that triggered my Entomophobia/Arachnophobia. I either had to take a break, find a work around, or quit the game all together.

Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Cult of the Lamb
Cult of the Lamb
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Elden Ring
Elden Ring
Baldur's Gate 3
Baldur's Gate 3


Hollow Knight - The fuzzy bugs in Greenpath really bothered me
Skyrim - The spiders are unfortunately mandatory, but there are mods to remove them
Cult of the Lamb - I actually could handle the spider area pretty well, except for the bosses. The bosses in the last region were just a little too spidery, so I had to take a breather and not pay attention to them
RE: 7: there is a pot in the intro filled with cockroaches. I opened it, had a panic attack as they climbed on Ethan, and quit the game. ;-;
Forgot to include Animal Crossing: Atlas Moths scare the shit out of me.
Added Elden Ring, but oddly enough the ants didn't bother me. It was the hands that crawl like spiders that bothered me
Signalis - Butterfly puzzle and lil bugs flying across the screen

7 months ago

Baldur's Gate 3 has a bunch of spiders. A lot of the spiders are avoidable though.

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