7 reviews liked by TheJahfather

I've been dwelling on the decision to drop this for a month now. So I think it's finally time to call it quits. This game, is fucking terrible. I could not stand another minute playing this hunk of garbage, it started to make me so irritated I actually got outwardly pissed off. I wrote some notes on it a month ago when I was still playing it, which I was gonna expand upon, but fuck it, here's what I wrote:
Dumb protagonist

Cool soundtrack

Aside from SOME cool designs, the enemies are all ass

The room is a cool concept

Awkward mechanics

Dodge is nice, but clunky

Stupid characters

Riddles aren't good

Some cool visuals

The prison level is cool

Impeccably stupid writing

Apartment level sucks

*Gives me a headache.
I just don't gaf anymore it's not worth the time I've already wasted on it.

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Immaculate Superman gameplay, but the 2 missions at the end with the Justice League was way too cluttered and awkward. Also Robin was very sidelined when this should've been a World's Finest + Robin story. Still loads of fun shooting lasers with motion controls.

its literally just the worst parts about jrpgs made into a game.

Finished my first playthrough. Got the bad+ ending, which was shit, but I really don't like any endings in the series (so far, I still need to play 4) they always feel anticlimactic. This one was definitely the creepiest of the three I've played and the levels were awesome.

Mahoyo's one of those stories that I found at the perfect time of my life, but either way I think it's themes would've been relevant for me at any point in my life - that just made me love it even more.
And I genuinely believe that's one of it's main strengths, too - no matter where you are in your life, it's safe to assume you're gonna find yourself in one of the three main characters. It might be a story of 3 weirdo teenagers learning to love eachother - but the stuff they're going through is something just about anyone can relate to and hell, perhaps even differently later on in their life - which makes me really excited to get back to this in a few years and see if anything's changed in that regard.

It's.. absolutely incredible. One of those stories that really has you nodding along to anyone who's ever told you it's great, because goddamn, it really is. There's a lot I'd love to say about it, but I rather keep my reviews spoiler-free - all I'll say is that I can't recommend it enough.

The story, cast and OST are absolutely fantastic, but it's the presentation this game has that stands out to me most. As someone used to older, relatively more basic VN's, it's absolutely mindblowing.

Even 10 years later, it's.. genuinely magical. Can't think of any other way to word it.

Visual Novels were never my cup of tea. I remember trying a few but never really getting into them and dropping them so many times over the last few years, but Mahoyo was different. The first few minutes opening with Liszt's most prominent piece grabbed my attention immediately and I found my new love affair.

I started reading Mahoyo at a really tough and weird time in my life where so much change was going on. I was moving away from home, starting a new job, and all on my own in a new place to me. Mahoyo was one of those stories there to provide joyful and comedic moments of respite in that really stressful time for me when I first read those fan translated chapters almost 2 years ago now. I'm so grateful to have been able to read this and see this journey through as it's a special story about three very different humans moving each other forward and picking each other up towards a better future.

Understanding our pasts and learning how to build upon those things that define us to push forward to a more beautiful future is something I really loved coming out of this story and it's done so gracefully throughout. This is one of those stories that really moved me and I will cherish it for a long time. I love these 3 goons so much <3