8 reviews liked by TheManOfHotdogs



my favorite rockstar game. jimmy hopkins is such a funny and enjoyable protag. the platinum for this game is also my favorite that ive done



rockstar's neglected child. loved this game.



This shouldn't be my favorite Rockstar game... but it is



Ages well in some places, and less so in others. Definitely unique.

pretty peak its fun but it wasnt camp enough but plss i will give 5 stars if capcom gives me cat ears leon for free pls

I was already hyped when it was announced, and I had to play instantly when it was released.

Already liking the original, I was sure that I'd have a blast playing this, and I wasn't disappointed. The graphics look amazing, the rearranges of the soundtrack are great, and it plays extremely well.
Only thing missing is the bolder quick time event :'D

Ehh, I guess the Ethan Winters saga just isn't for me. I loved the visuals and the Dimitrescu portion was pretty fun, but my interest didn't hold up for very long after that. Something just kinda felt off.
Maybe one day I'll try again.