Good game but the combat is not the best due to the amount of blocking. I also dislike how the upgrades are handled.

Definitely not GOTY but still good.

Genuinely scary, fun and makes me want to kill my friends.

Hours of endless fun and nostalgia.

Hands down the best Arkham game, by far. This has amazing story, amazing characters fun combat and unlike Arkham Knight it is not predictable. Furthermore the easter eggs and some of the most interesting and creepy easter eggs the series has to offer.

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This is a good and expansive game. There are hours of fun to be had in this game with. However, imo the story lacks in some regards. The Jason Todd story arc is very predictable as it introduces a new character and then explicitly tells you about one that was never mentioned in any of the previous games. Although the DLC campaigns and side missions are heaps of fun.

This is one of my favourite games and had some of the best I've played. It still holds up to this day and I recommend you should play it.

One of the most fun games I've played. I first played it on the Wii before it came out on the PS4 and boy did I miss out. The PS4 version has some glitches and graphical errors when playing on the PS5 but it is still fun. I 3 play throughs, one just playing the game. Another revisiting and the final one a 100% run through. At no point did I feel bored or the urge to play something else. Amazing game with great replay ability. Though some of the joke do not age well and some mission like "Panty raid" makes you question Rockstars choices.

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Jesus Christ. This game is not good. It can be fun, but by no means is it good. The worst part is: the story could have been amazing. It seems to me as if Volition and High Voltage Software wanted to make a new game series but could be arsed writing new characters. The game is extremely buggy and is boring after the first few minutes. You don't need to follow the story as to progress you need to cause "Mayhem" which can be done through the story or just killing waves of demons. This would have been good as a DLC. But its copy and paste that's been thrown at wall to see what sticks. Bad game.

I remember playing this game when it first came out on PS4 and enjoying the wacky comedy and uniqueness of the game. Before that the only saints row game I had played was Saints Row 2, which I loved playing. The reason I have ranked this 3.5 stars is due to its lack of replayability. A lot of open world games allow for hours of endless fun, but SR4 lacks in that. After completing the main story you're left with a decent amount of activities to complete but even if you set out for all challenges as I did, you're left with about 10 hours of nothing to do until the 40 hour mark. That includes after the DLC. The game is fun but the platinum takes a lot of idling, so plan to watch a few movies or series in the background, or have another console at the ready, with the controller walking your character in one direction.

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As a long time fan of the Resident Evil series I can say from my chest, Resident Evil 8 is not the same as the other Resident Evil games, bar 7. But that doesn’t mean that it’s Sht. Just different. At some moments it feels like you’re playing a different game, such as the end with Chris, which felt a bit like a better attempt at Chris’ military style from RE6 which ended up playing like a third person Call Of Duty game. This time, it still has that feel, but is a lot more bearable. That is just a small segment though and the rest of the game plays well. The Resident Evil games change a style for 7&8 which can be a major turn off for some players. I personally prefer the typical third person style, but still find 7 and 8 to be fun.

Does it welcome new players to the series?

In short, no. That does not mean it doesn’t welcome new players; just that those players will not have a great understanding of the characters and especially the reference to 7. In all honesty RE8 should be called RE7 part 2 as it is a direct continuation, which does not fit the rest of the numerical series. The story continues from Resident Evil 7 as you take control of Ethan Winters. The setting for the game is set in Romania during winter with new enemies and different locations and characters.

The Duke:

The Duke takes the role of RE4's merchant and includes one thing that I have mixed opinions on. He sells ammo. For me a staple of Resident Evil is running around scrambling for ammo and resources, yet I liked being assured that I could still just buy ammo. The Merchant is in every area of the map, he only appears once in each area, so he’s not something you can rely on as he’s few and far between.

The bosses:

The bosses are fun, with each boss providing a different obstacle to defeat. Dimitrescu requires you to kill the three babes-I mean her daughters, and reveal her true form to kill her. Beneviento requires you to solve an elaborate puzzle before playing hide and seek with the doll. Moreau has you run through the lake to drain it, and then use explosives to damage and kill him. Heisenberg has you traverse his factory and then kill him in a tank battle. The final boss Mother Miranda disappoints me, and is a bullet sponge boss, meaning her fight is all determined on damage output. I’ll be honest, I almost forgot her entirely writing this.

The Tragedy of Chris:

RE8 accentuates the tragedy of Chris as he fails to save Ethan and reunite his family. The game shows how this affects Chris and doesn’t annoy the sh
t out of me like the needless martyrdom of Finn in Resident Evil 6. He died with 2 other people and became a martyr WTF? Chirs’ inability to save people haunts him and it is shown in this game. Not told like in 6. It feels like the small segment with Chris is like a remapping of 6 to fix everything they did wrong. And it works.

The Twist:

A lot of games would never entertain the thought of kill the protagonist and changing mid game, but this game pulls it off. I liked the twist of Ethan being infected as it provides reason for the inexplicable resilience of a man with no military training or know-how of bioweapons shown in 7. At first I liked the ending as Ethan dies, and lays to rest the Winters’ storyline. Or so I thought. I’ve heard about RE9 continuing with the Winters’ storyline, likely as Chris and Rose. Personally, I’d wish to return to the standard story. I like my enemy to be Umbrella not the BSAA, but simultaneously wish to see where that leads. Apparently, it is meant to be the Winters’ trilogy, alluding to the idea that they will continue with the main characters afterwards. This is all but confirmed, you don’t release remakes for the sole purpose of allowing players to play the original on a higher quality device, you’d just make a port. I believe they want to remind people of the characters and invite new players to learn the story.

The game ends with a post-credit scene of Rose, showing her to be in control of her powers and being trained/tested by Chris. This was to set up the DLC and allude to her as a character in 9. Just saying, bring Jill back, what happened in 5 would be traumatising, being a mutant used by a government task force to protect people that would want you dead if they found out is traumatic, they bond, they fight, Jill takes on a big sister role and they get through it together. It wouldn’t be the first time a RE game tackles PTSD, just don’t stop them from using a gun like RE: Revelations 2.


A short and fun remake. Unlike my RE4 I will keep all of the story from this review.

The game is fun and has some amazing moments and feels great. I love the dodge mechanic and they definitely hit with the bosses. The final boss on max difficulty though, is very difficult. But do able.

My first 100% complete Resident Evil game.

The character designs are amazing, with costume select so you can look like the OG Jill and Carlos. Nemesis is a terrifying unit that stalks you throughout most the game.

A critique of this game is that it is too short. But, that's about it.

A short review for a short game.

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In all honesty they probably went too hard, so the RE5 remake might get overhyped, but I do like Ashley's AI so hopefully Sheva's will also be good this time.

I remember playing my first Resident Evil game (RE5). Since then I loved every RE game I played, bar RE6, though I wasn't able to play the original RE games on PS1 or PS2 as I didn't own the devices. I managed to play some of the re-releases but never finished any of them due to the tank controls being so foreign to me. That never stopped me from watching others play the game however, which allowed me to fall in love with the game. Yet due to my own personal experience it wasn't my favourite. This remake has completely changed that. I'm hesitant to say it's 100% 10/10 as I could just be fanboying of the ability to play in HD with modern controls, but as of now I believe it is 10/10.

First time?


In all honesty they probably went too hard, so the RE5 remake might get overhyped, but I do like Ashley's AI so hopefully Sheva's will also be good this time.

I remember playing my first Resident Evil game (RE5). Since then I loved every RE game I played, bar RE6, though I wasn't able to play the original RE games on PS1 or PS2 as I didn't own the devices. I managed to play some of the re-releases but never finished any of them due to the tank controls being so foreign to me. That never stopped me from watching others play the game however, which allowed me to fall in love with the game. Yet due to my own personal experience it wasn't my favourite. This remake has completely changed that. I'm hesitant to say it's 100% 10/10 as I could just be fanboying of the ability to play in HD with modern controls, but as of now I believe it is 10/10.

First time?

If this is your first resident Evil game, it is a great example of the series. The original games preceding this I've been told are less action based, and the 2 and 3 remakes do have less action, but are equally as fun. I have a hard time finding issues with this game without nit-picking and it is definitely one of the best RE games I've played.


The controls of the remake are drastically different, and reading some reviews, people don't really like the difference; yet I firmly believe that they do not realise that tank controls would not work with the game at all. Sure they would be able to implement it, but it would fit in as much as the Umbrella Corps game.

The controls are fluent and flows extremely well. As Leon your play style appears to be the same as the original, with changes to movement and the implementation of a select few extra abilities, such as: being able to block attacks with a knife, crouching and stealth. As I have previously stated I did not finish the original and don't remember too much about it so I don't recall if any other additional abilities are going amiss.

Game length:

The game is, in my opinion, a perfect length with my first playthrough being +17 hours. The game at no point feels like it drags. Unless you're doing a speed run, then the 2 minute walk carrying Ashley can make you feel like you're missing an hour. The game has challenging bosses, exciting mini-bosses and impeccable encounters. All around great combat.

The Merchant:

The remake has immortalised the merchant. Literally, he cannot be killed. The merchant trades using pesetas and the redesigned spinel. The ptas is used to make the majority of the purchases such as the RPG and increased case sizes. The spinels are used for trades for exclusive upgrade cards )(which you can now pay real money for), guns, attachments and cases.


The story is amazing with pseudo-open-world roaming at some points. Leon is sent to Rural Spain to save his best friend, the President's daughter. Leon encounters a house with a person in it, realising that one of the officers accompany was killed by the people in the house to quickly discover that the village people are not entirely human.

Later the Leon discovers Ashley and sets on leaving the village and heading back to America when storm 'Deus Ex Machina' postpones the extraction. So Leon and Ashley decide to find a place to hide until the storm clears but are forced into a castle as they are chased. Before getting into the castle we discover through Luis that both Ashley and Leon have been infected with 'Las Plagas' a parasite that must be removed.

In the castle we encounter the worst character 'Ramón Salazar' who is set on Kidnapping Ashley and pretending like everything is apart of his play script. After solving a few puzzles and fighting through a few hordes Ashley turns and attacks Leon as she is being controlled via Las Plagas. This separates the two and forces Leon to find Ashley again, which is done swiftly. The 3 puzzles later Ashley is kidnapped again. Leon is informed by Ada that Ashley is in the throne room and in the hunt for Ashley, Leon is thrown underground and fights through the catacombs of the castle. A strenuous fight with Salazar's lackey Verdugo leads into Luis, where we discover his intentions are to repent for his work at Umbrella. He is then sadly murdered by Leon's old mentor Krauser who has joined the cult in attempt for power via Las Plagas. After this an encounter with Salazar takes place leading to his overdue death. Leon continues to find Krauser taking Ashley to a different Island.

Leon pursues and makes his way through the islands labs and many military enemies. During this the Regeneradors appear which can only be killed by destroying their 3 hearts. Leon gets Ashley again and they make their way through the island and in a shocking twist, Ashley gets taken again a few moments later. In pursuit of Saddler and Ashley Leon comes across a course set by Krauser for Leon. This then has the fight between the two with a fitting end to the fight. Shortly after, the best character of the whole game is introduced, Mike in an combat chopper compliments of Hunnigan. Further into the chapter the game becomes a -10/10 when they kill Mike and Leon declares he'll get his revenge. Leon then reunites with Ashley and is saved by Ada. they get cured of the parasite and start to leave before noticing Ada is being held captive in order to bait Leon, starting the final boss fight and where Leon kills Sadler and ends the infection.

The game ends with Ada on the phone to motherf**king Albert Wesker, revealing a definite RE5 remake. Hype.


There are some differences to be noted, like the lack of Leon saying "No thanks, bro". But also some segments of the game have been removed and replaced. The game is still enjoyable and I invite you to play both to make an informed decision, God knows I will.


The only important character is Mike and they took him from us.


I excluded a lot of bosses for my story recap so don't be frightened, Del Lago and El Gigante are still in the game. All bosses make you feel like you're powerless, but in a good way. You never feel like you're fighting an impossible enemy, just an extremely strong enemy.

Resource management:

Like every RE game, it's designed to make you feel like you don't have any health, but if you play safe and smart you'll be fine. The ammo is not scarce but is dropped often depending on your case.

Cases and charms:
There are different types of charms referencing the original game characters, such as the 'Gatling Man' and all the original character designs.


The game is great. A full story, and good time. For those who are reading these to see if they should buy the game, remember that not every game is suited for everyone, so I say either wait for a sale or buy it full price as either I think you'll find it hard to hate.