25 reviews liked by TheMangalorian

They remembered that they have made Ratchet and Clank and decided to go silly with the story, this has made this surprisingly a much more enjoyable experience than the OG.
It still has a lot of the same flaws that have been talked about to death and a really weak first 4-5 hours, but it’s actually a very fun take on the symbiote story even if a lot of plot beats are underdeveloped however I’m glad they made a more video gamey spiderman plot, it even helped a lot introduce suits and quirky missions that have helped shake up the repetitive gameplay.
Probably won’t hold the same value for me in a replay but yeah I was surprised to enjoy this one a little bit more as someone who’s not the biggest fan of this series.

في العادة انا اخاف من القصص المرعبة بحد ذاتها وليس اجواء الرعب، بس هنا اجواء يخربيتها، ضبطت الخلعات والصدمات.. بس للاسف القصة عادية جدا ومحروقة، توقعت كل شيء فيها تقريبا
الاسلحة عجيبة الاعداء ممتازين، والتحكم والشوتر متقنين، الحق لعبة رائعة بذات في نقطة اجوائها من الاصوات واشكال الوحوش، لكنها بالنسبة غير مميز كثيرا، يعني عدى نقطة اجوائها المميزة، لا يوجد شيء فيها مميز بالنسبة لي

Holy shit that was so fucking good!

I bought Sekiro on release almost 5 years ago, and tried to play it; keyword here being 'tried', because I fucking sucked. I genuinely did not understand how the game works or what exactly it expected me to do. I tried playing it countless times and each time I got stuck at either Lady Butterfly or Gyoubu. I thought the game was just too hard for me, and that my skill level simply was not adequate for this game. Then, I decided to give it another try a couple of weeks ago, and for some reason the combat finally 'clicked' for me, probably because this time I went in not caring much whether or not I manage to finish it this time, which made me play without panicking or worrying much. That was the key. Once I understood the combat and stopped panicking -and got rid of the muscle memory I had carried over from other FromSoftware games- every encounter became a breeze. Some bosses were very difficult initially but again once you understand how a certain boss works you can pretty much just finish it hitless.

That's really the beauty of Sekiro. At the core of its combat is an intricate dance, and once you learn the choreography of that dance, it becomes one of the most cathartic gameplay experiences you could possibly have. No game has done combat like this, and no game has done sword fighting like this.

If it wasn't for the Dragon Rot being an extremely underwhelming mechanic, and the game trying to push crowd control with a combat system that is simply not designed for it, I would not have hesitated to rate it at a perfect 10.

There is no game like Sekiro, and if you are stuck with frustration like I was, do yourself a favor and just keep trying. It is really worth it once you get the hang of things.

Hesitation is defeat.

I honestly don't know how to review this game because there is just so much I wanted to say and talk about, and it is hard to gather my thoughts coherently enough for that, so instead, I'll just say this: Alan Wake II is what a sequel should always be. Seriously. This should be the blueprint for what a sequel is. It expands on everything from the first game; expands the universe, enhances the gameplay, and greatly raises the stakes. Alan Wake II is a game that kept blowing my mind every step of the way, and I loved every minute I spent with it.

اللعبة السينمائية اللي افضل من السينما

while i liked lots of things about the game i really wanna appreciate the amazing sound design it had me on my nerves for the entire playthrough



Hades felt different from what I came to expect when booting it up. The world is beautifully drawn, the story premise is cool, and the gameplay loop hold up better than expected. That explains how I've put decent time into post-endgame runs more than I honestly expected.

Being a Supergiant title, I expected good writing even if it isn't the focus. Can't say that I'm disappointed at all. Taking from Greek mythology gives them lots of ideas and inspirations, yet they made something great out of it. Each character is distinct, whether it's their writing or voice performances, can't say there's a boring person in the roster. Cohesive ludo-narrative overall even after the credits roll.
It takes its sweet time to develop, with some too long downtime but it gels well and ends on a good note.

Gameplay is quick and simple but the variety of builds and modifiers really extends the mileage of fun. I didn't care for min maxing but rarely did I feel that I end up with a bad build. It works even better on a pickup-and-play approach but that doesn't mean it doesn't stand out as a good game.



As my 2nd playthrough, I can only appreciate Prey more and more for what it was able to do.

An immersive-sim with a punch that earns it a place among the greatest of all time for the genre.

Environmental storytelling, interconnect quests and rippling effects, a stylish well written grounding, character impressions and a lot else that it nails almost perfectly. That is besides the story that packs a lot in a humble package. There's a lot to praise prey for and little in terms of criticism or comments.

It is worthy of being Arkane's magnum opus on so many levels that I feel unprepared to give it a nuanced and detailed review. It is an absolute must-play.

The absolute pinnacle of gaming and rpgs