Very good fighting game.
The playability improves substantially compared to its predecessor, and for its arcade version it has more game modes, apart from the classic arcade mode, a detail that I greatly appreciate for a fighting game from 1999.
Its graphics for the time are too good, and they still look good today, obviously in this aspect they greatly highlight the attributes of the girls, who look very beautiful compared to the first DOA.
The character roster is okay, I can see it being a limited amount of characters nowadays, but for its time it was decent.
Of course, not everything is incredible, because the final boss is extremely unfair, he abuses a lot of grabs and counterattacks, in addition to spamming attacks that he uses at long distance, and that drops an absurd amount of life, although yes, Defeating him is very satisfying.

For the rest, it is a great fighting game, which very well defined the direction that the Dead or Alive saga would take.

Great game, in my opinion, is the best Mega Man of all, since it perfected the bases of the classic games, adding new mechanics such as dashing and wall jumping. Also, the levels are more immersive because they encourage exploration to achieve X's armor upgrades.
Simply excellent.

The best KOF game of all time.

One of the best KOF games, and my personal favorite.

I don't like this game, the character designs are quite ugly, its graphics for 2016 look quite mediocre, and its gameplay is the same as always, it's good, but it doesn't add anything new.

Great game to start with the Super Smash Bros franchise, it introduces the mechanics very well, and so on.
My favorite characters were Link and Mario.
I am very fond of this game for being one of my first fighting games.

Very bad game, with a horrible level design, and an unfair difficulty.

Not bad for a Mario Kart for mobile phones.
It seems unfair to me to compare it with Mario Kart games on consoles, whether portable or desktop, since this one is focused on a different audience.
It is full of the typical things that a mobile game has, microtransactions, lots of seasons, character recolors, etc.

Very good Street Fighter game.
It improves the gameplay of Street Fighter II, its graphics are beautiful, the character designs are great, etc.
I like a lot.
My only problem would be the small roster of characters, because unlike other Street Fighter games of that time, there are not many characters to choose from.

Great game, and one of my favorites, since it started the Street Fighter Alpha saga.

Its sequels surpass it, but this one is good.

Good game, not the best Bleach game, but decent.
The gameplay, although difficult at first, is easily learned when you start playing a little more.
One bad thing is that the gameplay sometimes depends a lot on luck.

Horrible, simply horrible.
The worst Dragon Ball game of all time

It's not my favorite Mario game, but it's pretty good.
The gameplay is pretty good, and simplifying it was a good thing, since if they had kept the gameplay of games like Super Mario 64, they would have made the game even easier.
Its graphics are beautiful for a game released in the first year of the 3DS.
The levels are well designed, but they are too easy.
In general that is a problem, its difficulty, which becomes very easy when you have already beaten the game.

Good game overall, and very enjoyable.

The original Nintendo 64 version is much better, but it's still a good remaster.