Everyone should play Videoball so I can finally have people to play with.

This game represents part of my life. I don't know what else I can say. Its shadow looms over my deepest inside jokes.

I honestly don't think this game is as bad as people say it is. Although it is obvious where the criticism lies, and I have to agree: the Gamepad utilization makes it obvious that they struggles to prove it's existence. But if you make it to the final boss, I think they make it clear that they at least had some good ideas even if it didn't justify the mandatory Gamepad usage in the whole game. I think it was fun.

Surprisingly good. Definitely playable and enjoyable. But the shadow of Starfox 64 always looms, making you say to yourself "this is like a worse version of 64."

Besides bugs (which were substantial when I played), the issue with Fallout 76 is that Bethesda didn't seem to design the game to accommodate multiplayer, and fails as a single player game as well.
In single player it feels very empty and boring. With friends, the constant audio logs and menu fussing don't encourage group play. Sea of Thieves does it right by making menus very light and encouraging teamwork and cooperation. Fallout 76 does everything in its power to discourage you from minding your friends.