A fun game with an interesting story and gorgeous artstyle. Need to finish it but I really liked the time I spent


Liked a lot

I love everything else about this game expect how difficult it is


Liked a lot

A cute and charming game with a fun and heartwarming story, but not much else and doesn't really offer replay value or other staying power.

Love the throwbacks to kaiju and mecha/scifi anime (even tokusatsu I think?) as well as the feeling of rural japan


Liked Quite a fair bit

I really wanted to like this game I really did but...I jus tdidn't

I MAY pick it back up eventually , but as its stands thats very unlikely

Lots of cool ideas and super creative (probably the most creative of the entire franchise) The story's weaker than 3s but makes up with it w the whole games creativity and charm. Still but cant help but feel something is missing.

Either this game lacks the OOMPH of originals or I'm just missing [redacted for Starfy 3 spoilers] so much I can't judge the game without thinking how muchI miss them.

The Best Starfy. The gameplay is an improvement of the two and I LOVE the games story. The ending made me sob like a baby tbh.

I hope it will get translated one day, more ppl deserve to experience Starfy.

Loved it

Still sad over the ending tho.

This is the best Mario RPG and anyone who disagrees is a coward/jk


Loved it

Cool artstyle but man is it difficult. Got frustrated and deleted it off my steam

Im scared reading rest since the first chapter was good Im afraid of a let down


Liked a lot

Worth it for the final case alone