"[insert Nintendo IP here] is the most underrated." You coward. You absolute coward. You moron. You're wrong. It doesn't matter if its F Zero, Chibi Robo, Star Fox. Metroid. Golden Sun. Your answer doesn't matter. It's wrong. Codename STEAM is the most underrated Nintendo IP in existence, and the one that deserved better. It is truth.
Melodrama aside I unironically love this game so much and will be eternally salty it flopped so hard we most likely won't get sequel.
Loved it

The Zenith of the medium
Greatest of all time
Peak fiction
Umineko is unlike anything else I ever played/read and I love it for it


Love it more than any work of fiction in existence.
Literally a formational experience for me and one that changed me as a person.

Yes Spamton G Spamton is my favorite character how could you tell.


play haven play haven play haven play haven play haven play haven play have play haven play haven play haven play haven play haven play haven play haven play haven play haven play haven play haven play haven play haven play haven play haven

Help I have a crippling addiction to this and it's the reason I don't end up playing much of my storydriven JRPGs/indie games or read kamige VNS send fucking help

The more I think about it the more I feel I'm looking for a game that makes me feel the same wa Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 made me feel when I was like 11 years old with an immersive world, loveable cast of characters and solid story that keeps me hooked.

I'm afraid I'm too old and my brain is too developed to get any kind of experience kid me had with PMD2 which saddens me because I legit loved that.


You guys do not understand how much I loved this game growing up.
It was to the point I had to buy an used copy because I played the game so much it couldn't be played anymorer. If that makes sense

Half score off for the misogyny/gender essentialism and Bey's casual usage of the R-slur.
Other than that I really enjoyed it. Easily a contender for my favorite visual novel so far

The best Yokai Watch game ngl

Liked a lot

Despite everything Undertale is still a good game.

Whisper go cracka-lacka boom boom

Every time I remember this game I remember how the first time I played it I managed to predict the big plot twist within the first hour of gameplay, then forget about it for most of the game and then when I went back I had the biggest ass grin and "I FUCKING KNEW IT" on my face. That was fun.

I also finished the game in like...three to five days I think. Man I wish I still had that kind of energy to clear games ngl. Feeling like I almost never beat games these days.

Xenoblade is the Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door of JRPGS in the sense that everyones treating this like it's the perfect peak fiction masterpiece that's the best thing since sliced bread and while it certainly earns a lot of that praise, it didn't really grab me that hard personally and I found a fair amount of things to criticize both with the gameplay and it's story, and thus the constant praising of it being the "BEST THING EVER" has me a bit frustrated to say the least.

Egil still beautiful babygirl husband who I love and cherish, so maybe Xenoblade truly is a masterpiece

I want to marry Sectonia ngl. I know she'd kill me but that'd be so worth it


Liked it a lot