This was pretty good but due to it having multiple storylines (one of which is NG+ exclusive) with both good and bad outcomes as well as a few fourth wall breaky meta elements, the game requires to play multiple playthroughs to be enjoyed. That isn't a bad thing but doesn't do enough with either the storylines and varying outcomes or it's fourth wall-breaking elements to make playing the game beyond two playthroughs worth it unless you REALLY want to see all the outcomes. In which case. Have fun.

Also the game once thought I was a pirate even if i was playing a legit copy which was funny.

This was teh first touhou I completed so it has an important place in my heart <3

If I had a nickel for every time a Nintendo first party RPG had a genericishy seeming evil sorcerer (faction) that had a lot of potential but rather than that potential being utilized ended up being a plotdevice for an extremely divisive horned royal with fire motif I would have two nickels which isn't a lot but weird thing it happened twice.

Xenoblade is the Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door of JRPGS in the sense that everyones treating this like it's the perfect peak fiction masterpiece that's the best thing since sliced bread and while it certainly earns a lot of that praise, it didn't really grab me that hard personally and I found a fair amount of things to criticize both with the gameplay and it's story, and thus the constant praising of it being the "BEST THING EVER" has me a bit frustrated to say the least.

Egil still beautiful babygirl husband who I love and cherish, so maybe Xenoblade truly is a masterpiece

Despite everything Undertale is still a good game.

Every time I remember this game I remember how the first time I played it I managed to predict the big plot twist within the first hour of gameplay, then forget about it for most of the game and then when I went back I had the biggest ass grin and "I FUCKING KNEW IT" on my face. That was fun.

I also finished the game in like...three to five days I think. Man I wish I still had that kind of energy to clear games ngl. Feeling like I almost never beat games these days.

Why is all the side quest stuff actually more fun and engaging than the main story help.

The main story sucks

This game made me crave a glass of milk.

FR tho this may be one of my favorite narrative driven experiences and one of my favorite representations of mental illness ever. It's a powerful experience, and one that truly stuck with me, even to this day.

Help I have a crippling addiction to this and it's the reason I don't end up playing much of my storydriven JRPGs/indie games or read kamige VNS send fucking help

Expected coming in more developement on the dragon aliens vs dubstep cult conflict, came out with "Three nations fighting each other (again) but this time we utilize the setting a bit better in the story".

It's fine for what it is and the gameplays fun, I'm just mad that it was just Three Houses but with slightly different paintjob rather than either giving us more lore content or actually utilizing the alternate timeline concept to it's fullest potential. I'm also somewhat sour on the game for personal reasons as it not only one of the routes ended up ruining my fe3h favorite character (no it's not Claude), the new OC I was excited the most ended up being just dollar store brand Midna/Ankh/Muramasa/[insert your favorite example of the nonhuman deutragonist who grants the protagonist their mysterious powers and may or may not be connected to the villains trope here] rather than on par with the best of that trope. So yeah, good game but the grudge is personal with this one.

The story's pretty good and gameplays quite enjoyable but ultimately it's held back by a good chunk of it's characters being relatively uninteresting

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I'm done pretending.
I'm done telling lies.
I'm done pleasing the crowd.

Fire Emblem Three Houses is my favorite game of all time. I care about it more than whatever JRPG people say is objectively better.

Say what you want but unironically I will adore this game til the day I die. It is flawed, but it does so much I love I cannot hate it. The ideas it wants to tackle are things that interest me personally, I adore the worldbuilding so much and the way they play with fantasy tropes is so my jam (especially the Heroes Relics. Prob my favorite form of "fantasy thing is actually a messed up nonfantastical thing" its so well done)

My only flaw with is with the Agarthans. They deserved to be more than just fucking plotdevices

"[insert Nintendo IP here] is the most underrated." You coward. You absolute coward. You moron. You're wrong. It doesn't matter if its F Zero, Chibi Robo, Star Fox. Metroid. Golden Sun. Your answer doesn't matter. It's wrong. Codename STEAM is the most underrated Nintendo IP in existence, and the one that deserved better. It is truth.
Melodrama aside I unironically love this game so much and will be eternally salty it flopped so hard we most likely won't get sequel.
Loved it