This game was a lot of fun and a great addition to the series. The story in this game was much more streamlined and straightforward than the stories from most of the previous games. I never felt confused or like there was too much going on. That was a definite plus. I enjoyed having both Kiryu & Ichiban Kasuga as protagonists. There did seem to be a few too many different characters that could be added to the fighting party in this game and after a while I started to care a bit less about them, but the main characters and their stories were great. The side content was enjoyable in this one as well, although there actually wasn’t as much of it as I was expecting. Some of it was very random (Dondoko Island), but still fun. I liked the little food delivery mini game. I also liked how the beach was incorporated so well into the gameplay. It was fun to explore a new location and climate. As usual, the achievements in this game are a point of annoyance for me. I hate that they try to get you to buy DLC in order to be able to 100% complete the game. That seems like an annoying cash grab to me. I feel like these games just never quite get it right with the achievements. There is always something downright stupid or unnecessary that you have to do to 100% these games. It’s beyond annoying, but I just keep coming back for more.

I originally played this game a few years ago on the Nintendo Switch. That was an ordeal with constant performance issues. Even still, I was basically addicted to it once I really got started. I got it on the Nintendo Switch specifically so I could play it during downtime at work. That’s how much I liked playing it. It has similarities to games like Stardew Valley. You move to town and start your life and build things from the ground up. You do farming stuff and make friends. If you have played this genre of game before, then it won’t be anything new. Having played My Time At Sandrock and then gone back to replay Portia, the life improvements in Sandrock are even more evident and the little ways that Portia can be annoying are also more evident. Things like having to have ingredients on my person to cook with them and not being able to see what other relic pieces I had became very noticeable in this game after playing Sandrock where those things aren’t an issue. Still, overall, I enjoyed this game a great deal both times I played it. I enjoy this genre of game in general.

This game is a lot of fun. I like the overall racing mechanics and all of the side items you can collect and how you progress in the game. For me, the main thing lacking in this game is a good, continuous storyline. I feel like if a better story was added, it would be a truly great game.

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This is definitely the shortest Yakuza game I have played. In some ways that was very refreshing. This game had some improvements over other games in the series, but there were also annoyances as well. On the plus side, getting all of the trophies for this game was much less taxing than with some of the other ones. I am finally free from the horrors of Mahjong!!! On the other hand, enemies appear at an extremely annoying rate in this game. You literally cannot stand still outside for even two seconds without someone coming to fight you. I am aware that this is, at its core, a fighting game, but it borders on ridiculous here. None of the other games in the series had enemies spawning at this insane rate. It got so annoying to me at times that I had to put the game down for a bit. But aside from that, most other things in the game were fine. I liked seeing some characters from the Judgment / Lost Judgment series make an appearance in this game as well. The moment Kaito showed up, I got so excited. I’m always happy to have more Kaito in my life, no matter the reason. The mini games in this one were mostly mini games that we have seen in other Yakuza games (cabaret club, karaoke, gambling, fighting arena, etc.) just done a little bit differently here. Overall, this game was enjoyable.

Overall, I loved the game. It was definitely an improvement over My Time At Portia. I did play this game on a different platform than I played Portia on and I experienced a much much better and more stable game performance. There were still a couple of times where it crashed or the loading time was long, but for the most part, I didn’t have many issues. I liked the overall feel of this game and everything that there was to do in this game. There were a lot of characters who were more well developed than I was expecting. I liked that a lot of the characters had their own side missions. The only ones that really annoyed me were Owen’s, where he was constantly demanding fish for his restaurant and gave very little time to bring it to him. lol. But other than that, the side missions that would come up were enjoyable. The main story was fine. I definitely don’t play these games for that. But it was interesting to see how deep it went and all of the connections involved in it. So, overall, most things were solid about the game. However, there were a couple of things I didn’t like. I really hate it when games have tedious or “grindy” achievements that take forever and require a bunch of time after completing the game to get them. I just personally feel like for most games (except for the types of games that veer off and have a bunch of different possible endings), I should be able to 100% the thing in 1 playthrough without spending a whole lot of time after the fact playing it. This game has 1 achievement that requires you to max all of the skills in the skill tree. If you play through the main story as normal, you might not be able to do that, especially not the social tree. It’s frustrating for me. There is also the missable achievement involving 1 particular character who is not around in every part of the game. If you miss your chance with them, it can be hard to make it up after the fact. So, those 2 achievements were a pain in the neck for me and sort of lowered my opinion of the game a little bit. Also, the museum needs a bit of work in my opinion. I feel like there should be more variability as far as exhibit sizes. It felt like everything was a medium exhibit. Getting enough small exhibits was much harder.

I loved this game just like I loved the original Spider-Man game and the Spider-Man: Miles Morales game, but this one had a few more flaws than the first 2 installments in the series, so I couldn’t give it a perfect score. To start off, this game had a lot of positive things going for it. It’s still the Insomniac Spider-Man world that I love. One thing I liked about this game (and the others in the series) was that nothing felt impossible. Some things were very challenging, but I still felt confident that I could complete all of the side content and earn the platinum trophy for this one. This is my ideal type of game. Challenging, but not impossible. I really enjoyed the mix of story missions and free exploration. That is one of the best things about these games for me. I also still really enjoy the little radio shows that play as you explore around the city. They are one of the best little details in these games. I always laugh when J. Jonah Jameson starts ranting about something that I have just done. It really makes the games feel real and it makes me feel immersed in the world. Now, onto the negative points. Firstly, the storyline of this one wasn’t as good for me as the previous ones. I think that was partially because I knew where it was going. I have seen the Harry Osborne tale many times before, so it was a bit more predictable to me than the stories of the other 2 games. Secondly, I didn’t exactly love the fact that there were 2 protagonists. On the one hand, I liked that both Spider-Men were in the game, but I didn’t necessary like playing as both of them and going back and forth. It felt a bit disjointed to me in a way. I prefer to focus on just one main character and really dive in deep with them and their life. Make no mistake about it though, this is still a great game and one of the best games I have played in a while. The characters are well written. The missions are enjoyable. Exploring the city is still a ton of fun. The Insomniac Spider-Man series is still one of my favorite games series right now and this is a good addition to the collection. It’s definitely one of the best games I have played this year.

I did not enjoy this game as much as the other Yakuza / Like A Dragon games. Firstly, because of the setting & time period, it doesn’t quite have the same insane feeling of the other games in the series. It’s still a Yakuza game, but just not quite as absurd as what I am used to. The absurdity is part of the appeal of this game series for me, so the absence of that made it feel a bit dull. Secondly (and this may be because of the platform I chose to play on and not the game itself), as far as I could tell, there are a lot of things that you cannot skip in this game that you can easily skip in other games. Several substories & cutscenes make you go through the dialogue completely, there is no skip button. It made things a bit tedious and annoying at times. These games are not short and they have a lot of unnecessary dialogue in general. Not being able to skip certain scenes was unacceptable to me. Also, there are no gambling cheat items in this game at all. I do not enjoy a lot of the gambling games, so cheat items usually come in handy for me. The minigames in this one also were not as entertaining to me as the minigames in some of the other games. One highlight of the game was the “Another Life” content. I really enjoyed having the elements of cooking & fishing & gardening in the game. They were not very fleshed out as far as the tasks themselves, but it was nice to have them there. I also enjoyed the element of having the Shinto Priest and the shrines in the game. Overall, I would say I enjoyed the game, but I would also say that it’s probably my least favorite Yakuza / Like A Dragon game so far.

This was a great game. I purchased the whole Bioshock collection about a year or 2 ago. I started playing the original Bioshock and just never finished it, for numerous reasons. I came back and decided to play Infinite and finished it within a couple of days. I found the storyline to be somewhat confusing. I wish they had simplified it a little bit. It was immersive and interesting, but overly confusing. The game is absolutely beautiful. Whoever designed the overall look and feel of the game deserves a lot of credit. Some of the characters are great. Some are just okay. I thought the ending was pretty good. So, overall, I would definitely recommend this game.

This is a really great game worth checking out. If you don't know the story, it's about a guy who works as a fire lookout in the forest. You (the player) will be hiking around the forest doing various things throughout the day. The only person that you will talk to is Delilah (via walkie talkie), who also works in the forest. There are a couple of different 'main' storylines that you will get caught up in during your time in the forest. The dialogue throughout the game felt very natural to me. I have only done one full playthrough of the game, so I have no idea if choosing different dialogue options will influence your game outcome in any way. If you choose to, you can spend a lot of time just wandering around the forest. The game is very beautiful. The ending left a little bit to be desired in my opinion, but other than that, it was great. Like I said, I don't know if it's possible to get slightly different endings for the game by trying different dialogue. The main character has his funny moments and is definitely likable. I personally did not care for Delilah and just wished that she would leave me the hell alone sometimes, but that's just my personality. One last thing that I will say about the game is that you will probably be able to get through it pretty fast if you put your mind to it and don't wander off too much. It may not last very long, but it is definitely worth it.

This game was oddly entertaining. It kept me occupied for the entire day. I really enjoyed the brain map portion. I only wish that the game continued after high school. You can keep playing after you grow up and your offspring will become the next generation, but at that point, it’s basically the same thing over again, so not as interesting. The achievements for the game require you to complete the stories of several different side characters, but I’m not sure there is any way to make sure that you get to interact with certain characters or not.

This was an interesting expansion that added a lot of different things to the game. I like that it comes with a new club and a new event (sci-fi convention). The new courses that come with it are nice as well. I hope that all future expansions will have this level of new content. Some elements didn't feel all that fleshed out though. For example, one of the levels has rockets and talks about space travel, but the rockets don't get used for anything that you can actually really see. It would have been fun if they did more with that. Also, I found getting the final star on the final level to be unnecessarily difficult, but I was able to do it.

I would give this expansion a positive rating overall. It's fun and silly and contains all of the elements that make this game great. A lot of people dislike that this one only comes with 1 campus instead of 3 and I understand that, but I kind of feel like the tradeoff is fair because the one campus it comes with is pretty in depth and it took me a while to complete this campus. It really all comes down to what one prefers I suppose. 1 really in depth campus or 3 more shallow campuses. I personally see the value in both. I do wish it came with a couple more courses though.

This DLC was fine. It adds a lot of people to the Clan Creator mini game. It also gives you some money and XP and a few outfits. I mostly bought it because of the weapons it gives you. The machine gun is fantastic. I used it quite a bit. The rocket launcher was a big disappointment for me. The only annoying thing was that I could not sell any of the weapons from this DLC in the game, so even if I didn’t like a certain weapon, I was stuck with it.

This is one of my favorite games ever. Everything about it just worked so well for me. I loved the premise and the gameplay. The story kept me engaged from start to finish. I loved that the choices that I made could actually have a permanent outcome and if I killed off one of the main characters they genuinely would not come back. It made it feel like the stakes were really high. There is a lot of content in the game and a lot of different paths that the characters can go down, so you can play it more than once and see scenes that you didn’t see the first time. I really want there to be a sequel to this in some way or at least for the studio that made it to put out a new game.

I originally played this game on my Nintendo Switch at some point in 2022 and that was an absolute nightmare. It literally crashed every 30 minutes and I constantly had to restart it. That was truly a terrible experience. It should be illegal for game companies to release games on a platform when the game is going to crash so often. Clearly it’s not ready. Eventually, I ended up playing it again on the Steam Deck and that was a much better experience. It runs so much better on the Deck than on the Switch. Platform issues aside, I enjoyed this game a lot more than Two Point Hospital. It was a bit easier to complete and didn't have as many unnecessary hurdles. There were no levels that felt unwinnable. Everything flowed nicely and seemed to make more sense to me. The achievements were not easy to earn, but they were very doable. This game retains the same humor style that made Two Point Hospital great. There is also more customization available in this game than in the previous game, but it still felt lacking to me. A lot of the rooms still turn out kind of ugly. I feel like a lot of the available styles in this game just don’t go well together. I wish there were more "normal" wallpapers and floors to choose from. I enjoy some of the crazier wallpapers every now and then, but I would also like the chance to just make some simple, stylish rooms. But that’s a more minor issue. Overall, this was a really fun game.