I have fun with the game. It's nothing too special and isn't peak or anything. It's just a good game to play every now and again to kill some time.

Well this is definitely Pokémon Shuffle


Really fun game that keeps me coming back for another run. The writing is also smart and I like the characters.

I think this is a fun version of Pac-Man. I like booting it up every now and again just to play it a little bit. It definitely isn't my favorite version of Pac-Man but hey, it's better than Pac & Pal and Super Pac-Man

This is how I originally played Yoshis Island. Really good game.

I like the hub worlds and the Sonic levels are pretty fun. This game definitely looks rough and isn't the greatest thing in the world to play. I enjoy this game but I would never call it great.

I have had a lot of fun with this game. I never played it at launch so I wasn't burned by the microtransactions like many other players. The single player is fine, it's nothing great but it isn't terrible either. I do have a lot of fun playing this game online and I still play it about every week.

Really fun game. I liked the single player and I just loved doing instant action and Galactic Conquest. This is also one of my personal favorite games to download mods for.

Really fun expansion. I like how silly it is compared to the base game.

I have played through this game multiple times on multiple platforms. This was one of my favorites as a kid and I greatly enjoy the game.

I like the game. It's short and not as good as the first but I would be lying if I said I didn't have fun playing the game.

I had a lot of fun with this game as a kid and I return to it every now and again. I loved the Sonic and Shadow levels. The Tails and Eggman levels were alright. I never was a fan of the Knuckles and Rouge levels though. I spent most of my time on this game in the Chao Garden though trying to get myself an all S rank chaos Chao. I never got it but it was a fun time.

I like the game for what it is. This used to be one of my favorite mobile games.