Super fun entry with a neat twist. I honestly want the 2 driver mechanic to come back some day as swapping between your two items adds extra strategy and having special items for each character is cool as well, despite some of them being lamer than others.

Its a fun time for a bit, but the game has not aged well. Driving feels weird but you can get used to it. The courses are all flat so there is not going be anything too crazy here track wise, but my biggest problem with the game is that even when playing alone you only get half of the screen to actually see as the bottom portion will be taken up with a map so even when you are not playing split screen multiplayer with someone you are still playing on a split screen.

gameplay is alright I guess, but this game is a microtransaction hellscape. Go play any other Mario Kart instead.

Having new tracks is pretty cool, but I wish they were on the same or at least a similar level of quality to the tracks in the base game. Also, I must say...Sky Garden wtf did they do to you?

Its fine. You can be Pac-Man so that is cool. Worth playing just to see what its like but its not as good as most Mario Kart games.

Fun af. Not every track is a winner but it is so cool to have a ton of extra tracks in Mario Kart Wii. If you have not installed this mod, do yourself a favor and download it now.

Easily my favorite game on the SNES. This game is a masterpiece and still looks good to this day. This game was the first Metroid I ever finished and I loved my entire playthrough. If you have never played the game, then do yourself a favor and play it, and if you do play it, save the animals.

I loved this game during my initial playthrough. I could not put it down. The gameplay feels fast and fluid and all of the abilities are fun to use. I am also a fan of the E.M.M.I. sections. The E.M.M.I. are also extremely satisfying to put down.

Super fun game with fluid controls. This game is nearly perfect in my eyes, and honestly the only thing that drags this game down for me is the Mother Brain fight. That fight is annoying af.

Game has not aged well. The world is hard to navigate since everything looks the same and not having a map does not help either. Later entries have majorly improved upon the foundation this game set.

May just be the best pinball game I have ever played. This game is super fun and I recommend giving it a shot.

This was my first Monster Hunter game. It was a massive learning curve and I basically had to play with a wiki open, but I enjoyed every second of it. This is a very grindy game but it is definitely worth playing.

My first Monster Hunter was Generstions on the 3DS, so I was excited when Generations Ultimate was announced. This game is a very good time and has a lot of content. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to give the series a chance.

A fun enough experience. The Krypt is fun to run through and I enjoy doing the Towers of Time. The story was also a good time, but I hate that most of the game is locked behind internet access.

I was never a fan of the original Mortal Kombat. There isn't much depth in terms of combat and it's rather boring. Everything was so much better in Mortal Kombat II