Highly underrated GB game. Sure it's got the original Donkey Kong, but then it opens up and you've got so much more to play.

the screen has to be cropped really weird because of the Gameboy, but it introduced me to a classic so I can't fault it too badly

An all time great pinball game.

a formative experience for any tween in the 00s

I was so excited to get a FF game on the gamecube finally, and then it came out and it was the bucket escort mission game

I was so mad when this came out. I waited months; my favorite big idiot Wario was finally getting his own game on the big boy Gamecube. Warioland 3 and 4 were so damn good, this was bound to be right up there!

I was so wrong. The perspective on this game is constantly fighting with you, and it's one of the most unreliable platformers of all time. It just doesn't have the quick and accurate movement options that any good platformer has.

I remember this one being buggy as hell, and somehow it convinced my 13 year old self to buy a skateboard. That eventually lead to me breaking my arm, so I have to knock a star off out of principle. Great soundtrack as usual though.

I skipped 3 as a kid and went straight to 4. I think this game really influenced a lot of my musical taste for the next ten years, and unfortunately influenced my sense of humor for that time too.

This was the first time I realized a game could be bad

I think life was legitimately better when companies thought games like this were a good idea

The game is dead and gone, so this doesn't make much of a difference, but god why did they do this? I swear, the WoD is cursed to never make a functional game again.

They have this huge TTRPG that heavily emphasizes role playing and world building, and a well-known video game adaptation of that TTRPG is considered one of the best role playing games ever created. (VTMB)

So then why did Paradox think "ya know what we need? A fortnite!"? Nothing about VTM the Tabletop game, nor the core fanbase of the World of Darkness, screams Battle Royale to me.

But here's the thing; the game was actually kinda good from a BR perspective. The movement was fast and snappy, the environment of Prague was beautiful, dark, and interesting to traverse, and the different archetypes lead to a lot of interesting ways to play.

But, if you stick your core VTM/WoD fanbase, who I will remind you is accustomed to role-playing, in the same match as a bunch of Battle Royale veteran, 200 inputs a second try-hards, you are going to alienate that core fanbase. And what choice did Sharkmob have? There was little to no marketing for this game, and the player base was dropping constantly, so they had to loop any remaining players into the same game; this effectively meant that there was essentially no matchmaking, and the problem would only be solved if more people played the game.

I think they bit off way more than they could chew, and Paradox did very little to set them up for success.

A neat idea, and visually interesting, but mechanically feels very shallow. None of the weapons quite feel right, and switching between each weapon feels clunky and awkward.

A modernized take on classic Build engine havoc. I had a blast snooping out secrets and circle strafing all the way through.

Knotwords is a great little puzzle game that has kept me coming back each month. It's really simple to understand, and each puzzle can take anywhere from 2-15 minutes, depending on the difficulty/complexity. I sometimes wish there was a little more variety in the puzzle types, as it can get a little old after completing a few puzzles in a row, but it's fun if you're looking for something quick and casual.