207 reviews liked by ThomDeOddball

It still bothers me that this uses the exact same home screen jingle as Uprising.

One of the best usages of 3D from a 3rd party I've seen, incredibly solid!
Though it is fun to replay levels with different objects that affect speed, damage, and boost, with only 10 levels its all over pretty quickly.
Going for a faster time/score is fun though!

if you didnt download this on your 3ds when you were 11 you're dead to me

im kersplooshing rn

this game was so fucking cool (albeit frustrating) to me as a kid and i dont know why. to be honest its still cool when i think about it

The quintessential "I'm a kid with no money looking through the eShop and wondering if I should chance spending the rest of the $10 eShop card on this or not" game.

Never gave in to that, but I did buy it for giggles once the eShop going down was announced.

for a game about wells this gameplay is pretty shallow HAR HAR HAR HAR AHR AHEEH EHAA HOO HEEA HAAHS HWAWA HAHAH

You control a rock that gets dropped down a well.

That's it. That's the whole game.

But it's still kinda fun.

Having Luigi in 3D is a step closer to holding a small Luigi and being able to pet him

i have never felt more hopeless in my life