i really like this actually
it uses the familiar tropes, it's got a cute little dude, it abuses c# scripts to pull a couple of tricks that are pretty neat and did make me shift uncomfortably, a little bit

definitely recommend for a sucker of the genre, it wont be super novel but it'll be campy and cute and i do want to be his friend even though he doxxed me

being a fan of xenosaga is like cruel and unusual punishment

it's a story generator alright

i would say something but really i just feel nothing.

Always shorter than I remember. Looks good, feels good, and sounds especially good. I can't play this game without smiling.

every time i play this game i have to cry real hard. i would write something more significant or profound about loving and hurting or whatever but it's pretty hard to do that through the waterfall of tears pouring out of my face

great now stop fucking expanding it

i absolutely love the migraine this game gives me every time

i claim nostalgia goggles for why i still love the story of this game in 2024. i know it's shitty and cliche to hell but i'm consistently charmed by it and there's some seriously gay shit going on that really seals the deal for me.

this is the one that i really like. it's that good kinda stress that reminds you of what it's like to be alive

the newest generation of "pokemon games that everyone pretended to hate until 2 years ago where the internet spontaneously decided that they were good games actually".
this happened with b/w/b2/w2 too. i hate it here. i am old.

I love the aesthetics of this one and kalos has a lot of pokemon designs that i like, but the cabal of friends does nothing for me and i find team flare to be more style than anything. they do have style though...

i dont think there's a reason to hate this game unless it's like actively harmful to the world or something because there's literally nothing wrong with it

it's just... not notable. but like... the game works, doesn't cost money, and lets you play with your friends. that is almost as inoffensive as it gets. it's literally not even bad it's just not very novel or anything. my biggest gripe is the restricted roster which i think only exists in anything to grind your willpower down until you actually do spend money.

fuckkkkk i fucking love women guys

75% of my favorite ace attorney game

god damn that 25% though