277 Reviews liked by Thundercblob

Everybody gave it the biggest sloppy toppy of all time. I am everybody. peak gaming, kino, cinema, definition of fun, the best game on the system.

Solid dlc expansion. Basically just more RE4R so if you liked the base game you'll like the dlc. It was cool to see things from original 4 that was initially cut from the remake included.

the only metroidvania to actually have atmosphere

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It starts out really good. It has a fun graphical style and looks like a lo-fi Metroid. The music is very good (though maybe a bit too inspired by Metroid at times). The boss fights are a lot fun too. The environments are also dynamic, meaning as you progress, they'll change. It's a nice little touch.

However, as the game progresses the honeymoon phase wears off. The tiny graphics sometimes make it hard to see what's going on. The map is very disconnected, requiring teleporters to navigate through some areas. If you're expecting a more connected metroidvania experience where you can traverse back and forth through areas, you'll be disappointed.

Also, about halfway through the game your main attack becomes essentially useless. You get a charged attack and after that point, most enemies only take damage from it, not your regular attack. I get why the charged shot is more powerful. I don't get why it should make your main attack useless. It just makes the already slow combat grind to a halt.

The enemies are also very spongy and they also mostly attack by trying to cling to your position. Since your attacks are short range, this makes it really easy to get a bunch of enemies glued to you till you die. I'm all for challenge but this seems unfair.

I don't hate it but I don't like it. I'm just disappointed. It looked really cool.

It’s good and I wish i could recommend but:
- too much platforming. It needs to be balanced with action and exploration
- no leveling up system so it depends on exploration or luck to get a better weapon
- No weapon variety/upgrades. After 7hrs, I could only find one
- Jumping feels stiff
- Wish texts were less pixilated so it’d be easier to follow

To be fair, it has an engaging gameplay and great music. With some quality of life improvements and balance, it would be a great game. It is Deckable with some workarounds. It also feels rusty, so i guess the dev already abandoned it.

Literally perfect in every way. This was my very first fromsoft title, and to an extent the only one I really “get.” I’ve been playing through bloodborne and a bit of elden ring, taking in the art direction, atmosphere, and combat… but yet I stop to think about why I’m playing them for. I love a challenge and want to experience what these games have to offer. Yet I don’t feel any desire to entertain the idea of a new game +. When you get stuck on an area in bloodborne there is nothing you can do but grind souls and level up. In sekiro, the solution is to just learn. Fromsoft has hit it out of the park before with previous titles they’re not this. Nothing like this. Maybe I’m missing something to really understand the other souls like games, I still enjoy them but this game brings me a whole other level of satisfaction. The reward of playing sekiro is the gameplay itself. The combat is absolutely perfected and the only way the game could be better would be if there were more bosses and more areas and more everything (i.e. a sequel)

A top-tier, completely undersung metroid-like. It's been under $10 for so long that the idea that there's people who love metroid games and don't scream about this all the time is starting to bother me.

less compelling characters and world-building but you get to use a giant poison censer for the entire game 😍

An improvement over the first game in every way except for the story

The game improves on the overall gameplay feel.

However, the enemies are mostly awful, very little variety and they reskin enemies often, just changing the kind of damage they do.

The penultimate boss has a huge difficulty spike that comes out of nowhere and the unskippable cutscene drains the fun out of the game at that point.

Fixes basically every problem I've had with the first game, really damn solid. I do wish it didn't have contact damage though, it's very annoying and inconsistent

Average story and mediocre gameplay. The game keeps throwing endless enemies at you. The action gets very tiring after a point. Our AI companion doesn't make things any easier. I don't find Resident Evil 5 fun.