As a huge fan of this game's predecessor, Dawn of Sorrow was a fun and an enjoyable game, with a great story, characters, and gameplay to match. Or at least for the most part, there are many more annoyances such as enemy placement in certain areas that make little sense and how enemies hit you from every angle. Not to mention that once you defeat a boss, you have to use a stylus to draw lines called "Magic Seals" to truely beat the boss, you could understand the frustration when it comes to certain bosses that are annoying to beat and with little help items. This Magic Seal was responsible for a lot of unnecessary deaths during these boss fights. Not to mention that some magic seals work more than the others. Other than that giant hinderance, the game runs well and the sprite art is amazing. Kind of wished that they sticked with the Kojima art work like in the last game, but hey at least the characters are more expressive. The Music is as phenomenal as usual.

This game was amazing and breathtaking, granted a lot of the game is confusing and a little frustrating at times. But what kept me going was the music and the story and fun gameplay mechanics. The endings are all very well thought out and it kept me pumped the entire playthrough. The enemy variety and bosses ranged from decent - memorable.

One of the best Castlevania games in my opinion, as well as the best protagonist. The music here is good but it kind of gets irritating to listen to due to the GBA's audio limitations. A lot of backtracking was made since the game alternates between 2 castles late game and finding the collectibles, along with the other key items was a bit of a chore. But at the end, it was extremely worth it. The endings were serviceable and enjoyable.