403 reviews liked by Tknumchucks

Meh. I cannot think of any other time a game's final act has soured me so completely on the whole thing. I'm in a weird place of finding this game to be generally fun but unsatisfying, and I'm hoping they can stick the landing in part three.

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I wanted to love this game. Remake is one of my favorite games of all time, and I never played the original! Unfortunately, I did not love Rebirth, I just liked it a lot. The gameplay style from Remake adapts decently to an open world, but I found many of the side missions to be pretty boring open world filler. And I love open world filler!

It also doesn't help that I couldn't get 100% side mission completion without 1) completing every one of the mostly terrible arcade style mini-games on their hard difficulties and 2) beating several very difficult combo boss battles I had no real motivation to train for.

I did really like the combat though, the additions and changes made since Remake are fun. I really like the Synergy Abilities, I've been a sucker for that sort of thing since Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 let you bounce Iron Man's lasers off Captain America's shield back in 2009. The writing is also (mostly) great, I love hanging out with these characters, and making the relationship system an explicit mechanic was a nice addition because it let me see how happy Aerith was with me, which is the validation I need.

That ending though. Woof. I get it, how do you handle a redo of one of the most infamous deaths in gaming history, especialy when your whole remake series is about defying and/or abiding by fate? Do you have her die again? Have her survive? I don't know what I would have done, but I do know what I wouldn't have done is both, which is what they seem to be doing. I know this game has been in development for 4 years and its story has probably been mostly set since the start of Remake's development, but I'm so tired of multiverse shenanigans in media. I love Aerith and would have been sad to have her die, but I'd much rather that then this awkward half step.

Still very excited to see the finale. What are we thinking? FF7: Resurrection? Revolution? They can't use Reunion again. Re...novation? Relative?

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This game was really interesting. I liked Remake quite a lot and was extremely excited for Rebirth to come out as well, since it looked like it was cleaning up the small things I didn’t like about Remake. In a relatively short time period, Square Enix managed to develop a huge, expansive open-world game with tons to do and at a fairly high production quality.

The ability to play a full party, cycling them in and out as you wish and having each character feel fully realized and unique is very impressive in a modern game. I wish more Final Fantasy games did this and still want to see more modern games follow the formula set by the Remake series with the unique blend of turn-based and action combat. The music is still quite good, as is the voice acting. Only a few side characters took me out of the game from how they did voicing, but otherwise it was quite well done. I appreciated having reasons to use most of the party, and learning how each of them does or does not contribute to my strategy as a whole. Some of them I obviously liked less, but my least favourite character might be someone’s favourite. That variety is a nice thing in a game like this.

I have mixed feelings on the open world. The game is huge. One thing I didn’t like about Remake was that some parts felt like padding to “make you experience the game more” but felt strongly like filler (e.g., the robot hand puzzles on the way to Wall Market), but overall the game was quite short so these didn’t blemish the experience. There are sequences in Rebirth where the game feels like it’s milking the moment too long, particularly toward the end of the game, and I simply want to move on at those points. The Temple of the Ancients in particular overstays its welcome, and even doing the final boss gauntlet had me wondering when I was getting close to finished as enjoyable as the combat was.

While I appreciate that with Rebirth the world truly feels big and realized, there is simply too much to do. I recognize I don’t need to do everything, but it is overwhelming to process and I don’t think every side quest is a quality experience. In fact, some of them have good or even interesting narratives and mechanics, while others are extremely repetitive. Going into a new region knowing I would do exactly 4 proto-relics that follow the same format, find 3 shrines to the regional summon, etc. got a little tiresome after realizing the pattern after Junon. The tracking system for each region was nice to know how much I still had to do, but I did not find it much more engaging than any other generic open-world format. Notably, climbing is both frequent and exhausting because the characters move somewhat slowly up and down vertical climbs, and there’s not a lot of forgiveness in the open world when you approach a minor cliff face. The first region actually made me realize this, because many of the hills are jagged and you can get stuck on them. While Horizon has restricted climbing, in the sense that you can only climb specific pathways, the fluidity of climbing in those games is enjoyable and there are ways to mitigate needing to do so altogether at points in the game. The addition of Ubisoft towers to the overworld was also pretty unnecessary. I get that it’s the established format at this point, but it was a pretty forgettable way to uncover the map in the way it was implemented. Even the original Ubisoft tower (in Assassin’s Creed) puts in a bit more of an exciting show into doing it, both by slowly revealing how high you’re going and the interesting ways to climb a building, which is sometimes lost when others emulate the format as was done here.

A notable negative point in this game is Chadley and Mai’s aggressive voiceover. In battles, Mai is tiresome and has very repetitive dialogue that I don’t really value or need past the first listen. Chadley is incessantly buzzing you like an overbearing partner, not realizing that I would like to just go around the map at my own pace and not have his annoying robot ass sending me a FaceTime every 5 minutes. I got a Pavlovian response to the world intel celebrations near the end of the game, because I knew Chadley had an 80% chance of calling me directly after.

Finally, the story was a big question mark coming in and I had mixed feelings here as well. The question of Aerith actually dying or not was on everyone’s mind (including the marketing team’s), and the development team was clearly aware of this since they toyed with scenes that mimicked the original death scene even from the very opening of the game. I am not convinced it was handled well. In the original game, it was a quick and impactful scene where you really feel that Aerith is gone for real and your party feels the loss. In Rebirth, her death(?) scene plays with the idea of if she is dead or not, and we don’t really get a satisfying resolution. Combined with the multiverse Aeriths, it almost seems like the game is afraid to say what happens one way or another, and disappointingly leaves that plot thread for the third game to fully resolve. While I think the true answer is she did die and Cloud is experiencing trauma, I was a little disappointed they played a little too loosely with it and watered it down from the impact it otherwise may have had, even knowing how it ended in the original game. The multiverse timeline thing was another interesting thing most people guessed correctly (i.e., that Zack is in some other timeline). I’m not fully satisfied in how much of the plot was left for the third game to resolve (or never resolve fully?), and my satisfaction with what this game set up is highly dependent on how the third game does or does not stick the landing. Other thoughts on the story were that it was cool seeing reference and story connections to other side content (in particular, Crisis Core, which has many many connections in Rebirth), yet I also had struggles with some moments where the plot was intentionally changed. Sometimes this subseries uses plot changes as intentional twists or to mess with the audience, and sometimes it simply changes the plot. For example, the way Cait Sith is dealt with near the end of the game, the fact that the Temple of the Ancients does not appear to collapse inside the Black Materia (which I thought was incredibly cool in the original), and the weird way Cid is introduced without Rocket Town were things where I couldn’t tell if a later twist was coming that would align things with what I expected or if we were just entirely changing what was happening in the remake. I appreciate the desire to write a new plot to not make it boring, but some of the twists and story beats are missing for me when I can’t tell what is an actual change or what is just a delayed plot moment.

Recognizing there is a lot of negative in this review, I don’t think the game is bad by any means. I had such a good time playing it and went slowly through it and methodically for a month so that I could enjoy it, knowing it was a long game. It is just another case of “bigger and messier” that I’ve noticed in most game sequels recently, and I’d like to hope that the third game reins it in a little, even though it is unlikely at this point given the positive reception to Rebirth. I’m still looking forward to the next game and hoping it can provide a satisfying conclusion to this very impressive trilogy, and hope that Final Fantasy XVII, whenever it comes out, can learn from the very complex and interesting battle system presented in this subseries.

A legit masterpiece in gaming. A plethora of imagination, action, dialogue, and decision making. I believe this game has at least something for every gamer. One of my top 5 of all time!

If you can get behind the idea of a horror game about cars trying to kill you, then this is actually pretty good.

It's very short, but manages to be anxiety inducing for most of the run time. I always got an inexplicable intense feeling of terror from people chasing me (even if it's not threateningly), and that's what this game felt like, although this time it's an unstoppable metal thing trying to murder you. The concept is silly, but there's enough self awareness humor to appreciate, like the cars taunting you by playing loud music or the ice cream truck that plays daisy bell (which holy shit, that got me). Something to note is the devs decision to make the game take place in a snowy setting, I thought that was a clever way of justifying the cars' crazy movement. Apart from some minor clunk, the only negative thing to mention is the story, that to me personally didn't contribute much. But that's not to say it shouldn't be in the game, I just think it could've been done better. Overall a good surprise, go try it if you have an hour free.

Squaresoft took control of this RPG with Mario characters with a hope of it doing better outside of Japan. However, it was never released in Europe due to the RPG genre being very niche.

The story does not take it seriously because the people have seen this before. Bowser is definilty a highlight, this is because he has lost his castle and he wants to keep up his image. Whenever Mario needs to describe something he puts up a show and changes characters which is very funny.

Each character has different abilities. Mario is an all rounder, Bowser being pure strength, Princess Toadstool is a healer. Newcomer Geno can boost a party members attack power and also has offensive magic abilities. Newcomer Mallow can also use healing abilities and offensive magic abilities.

The game uses the classic turn-based battle system. You have all the time in the world to make a turn. You can choose to attack the enemy, defend an upcoming attack, use a magic attack or use an item. If you use an item there is a chance you could obtain a freebie. At the right time if you hit the A button you could deal some extra damage. If you hit the A button at the right time you could take less damage from enemy attacks, if you hit the button at the exact right time, you won't take any damage.

This is a very easy RPG, so if you have played other RPGs then this one would be very basic and nothing interesting. Mario fans will find something fun about it.

"If I use great soundscapes for my game I can put whatever random thing I want in it" ...That was short of being true, but some sequences don't really merit being in the game's gallery. The intro where you walk on the bridge floating above water is pretty remarkable, though. Not much else for me.

My first impressions with this game were abhorrent. There was absolutely nothing to do in this wasteland of a game. Since then Bethesda has updated it a ton, and with the hype of the Fallout TV show, I figured I'd dive in and give it another go. I mean yeah, there is certainly much more to do. I wouldn't say I absolutely hate the game now, but the content that was added isn't all that engaging. Most of it feels like busy work. Really, it feels like a watered down Fallout 4 with multiplayer slapped on top of it.

Having to make my own decisions was a terrifying experience. I will never do it again. And before anyone asks, I did it, everyone! I fixed her! (I got the good ending)
It was one of the best visual novels I have ever played. Great voice acting, great story, and the voices in my head are accurate. It's impressive that they are still updating the game, and a big update that'll extend the game by 25% is on its way. It's also not a very long game; I finished it in 5 hours because I took my sweet time and wandered around.
There was a sequence where I refused to continue doing what I was told, and the game shut down after the entity told me, "I will be here when you are ready" or something. I was flabbergasted. Next time I opened the game, that same entity welcomed me, and I continued where I left off.
I just wished that the Voice of the Hero and the Narrator's voice wasn't so identical.
It is truly a unique experience and a must-play.

Borderlands 2: The Video Gaming Experience is a slightly acquired taste - but there is an undeniable flow here once you figure it out. With the Diablo influence finally finding its feet, the game walks the line between Zany and Serious in both its combat and narrative in a way thats riveting and compelling. The sad truth is: Gearbox will probably never write a character as good as Handsome Jack (or most of the cast) ever again.

In fact (hot take) it was probably essential that Borderlands 2 was written with a largely comedic lean, because the unserious attitude helps you feel less seriously about the games cheap feeling gameplay. The games looter-churn means youll be obligated to use guns that suck in a game where the shooting already kind of sucks, the artstyle is pretty but also very poorly assembled and buggy - it all feels less irritating (key word being “less”) when the world is already absurd and illogical.