Wow!! One of the best stories I’ve played in a video game. Fantastic characters, and an incredible story from start to finish. The gameplay elements are the only thing that let this game down for me, I found the gameplay to be more frustrating than anything else, however the brilliant story makes up for it.

Brilliant game. Hard to understand why people rate this game as low as they do, I personally really enjoyed it. Great characters, the story was interesting and overall was a brilliant experience.

Amazing game, brilliant story, great characters and great gameplay. Some of the puzzles were a bit annoying at times, but this was a truly special gaming experience for me. My first resident evil game, defiantly won’t be my last.

4.2/5. Great game, with a great story. Some of the gameplay mechanics were slightly annoying, but it’s an old game so is to be expected.

Campaign - 4/5

Multiplayer - 4/5

Zombies 4.5/5

God this game is brilliant, I mean I adore open world, story based games more than anything so it should be obvious that I’d love this one, but this game stands out for me as one of the best open worlds I’ve played. I’ll admit I struggled a bit at first with understanding everything but as time went on I grew to love it.

Truly a masterpiece. Without question my favourite video game of all time, everything about this game is so well put together; the story is outstanding from start to finish, the acting is remarkable, the open world is constantly entertaining, always something happening, just brilliant. I will forever wish I could play this game again for the first time.

I’ve recently decided to play all the assassins creed games in order, this one of course being the first. There’s a lot of good about this game but also a lot of bad. I found a lot of the gameplay to be outdated, but this is inevitable since the game was released in 2007. The game was very repetitive m, simply doing the same mundane tasks over and over for the duration of the game. I also found the main protagonist to be quite boring, and generic. But all in all, for its time, this is a very good game. I look forward to playing more games in the franchise, and seeing all of the improvements.

A lot better that what I expected

As a game, The light in the darkness is very poor, it is slow paced, has poor controls, no voice acting and is overall not a very fun experience.
But it is obvious that the intention of this game was to provide a history lesson to players. I applaud them for this, however this is a video game, and I have provided it with a rating that I believe to be fair.
In conclusion, I do recommend this game especially you are uneducated on the history of this subject, but as a gaming experience it is very lacking.