In my rating model 2 stars is a game that I do not recommend playing nor avoid, and that's because there's not much into It... It's a prototype after all

I'm so glad Siactro lowered the price of this game to a more adequate one.

Macbat 64 takes the most N64 platformers and butchers them.

I'm particularly pissed about the Kirby 64 and Mario Kart inspired levels: as the first one is ripped of every enemy or feature resulting in an empty level, and the second one is the most basic kart experience You can ever find.

I know this is a small project, but them I would instead play the games that steal ideas from instead wasting my time with this one, even if It takes only an hour.

In the flash games' territory is one of the best ever made, a decent amount of special moves to cover any situation, an amazing selection of music tracks, responsive controls.
It simply feels really good to play

An hidden gem of the og xbox and one of the few games for the "platform arena" genre (ex. Rayman Arena)

This new Mario game brought many interesting features making It a fresh experience that save the title from being "Anoter New Super Mario Bros. game".
Unfortunately It also comes with few staples that keep the game anchored in the 80s, such as:
- limited lives, a FOSSIL from the past
- run and item use share the same button, in a controller with 10 buttons
combined with the checkpoint system will turn against you in the (fewest) hard levels.
The half of the levels will finish before even starting, because of the length, not the difficulty.
I had a decent time with the game, I did 100% after all, but I hardly see myself doing It a second time.