189 Reviews liked by Trent

Come back to us baby, you know we'll treat you better

Have you ever considered the possibility that maybe you're all just haters

God forbid me from touching game EVER again

Yeah yeah laugh it up guys. The Tidus laughing scene is one of the most emotional scenes in gaming. Disappointed in you guys.

Earthbound is down the hall and to the left

Few people know it but Einhänder is a combination of 2 ancient german words:
- Ein: One
- Händer: Finger in your ass

This system clearly was not designed for a game like this, but they still tried to make it work, and it just doesn't.

The game has on-rail shooter levels and on ground levels. The on-rail shooter levels are fine since you just need to move and shoot, but the on ground levels are where this game falls flat. There's various different control methods but the one I found the most comfortable (it's not) was the stylus circle pad hybrid where you control the camera with the stylus, move with the stick, and attack with the L button. The game expects too much from the player with how limited these control schemes are. I would play a single stage a day and get hand cramps immediately, until I just decided to rush through the rest in one day because I was sick of playing it.

The best thing about this game though is its equivalent of tiktok subway surfers family guy clips on the bottom screen when Palutena and Pit are conversing with various other characters chiming in while you are playing the game. If not for this I would not have finished the game. The voicework is good and the dialogue is usually pretty funny. A lot of the humor is just them making references to old Nintendo games. It should be cringe in theory but it's charming, I'd say.

I would actually like to see this game ported with a proper control scheme to the Switch. I'd probably have a lot more fun with it if I was able to properly appreciate its game design.

Everyone's always asking for Twilight Princess on Switch, wouldn't it be hilarious if we ported this one instead

There is no fucking way this is what those smash bros people were hyping up for decades

I have a dream that one day my children will not be judged based off the color of their leaves but the quality of their dandori

this game is like if you let an asshole 3 year old make a Mario maker level and used his game design philosophy to make a full game

Baby chocobo had no idea what the FUCK was going on.

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Sazh is the most relatable character in the game because I also also wanted to blow my brains out while during this game.