Stellar sequel to one of the best Nintendo DS games. The story this time around features Rindo, who because of certain events becomes a player in the Reapers Game. The combat is absolutely amazing as the pins from the original system were incorporated wonderfully into this one. The flow of battle is really important, and building the Groove meter will allow your party to deal a lot of damage with a special move. Collecting pins, combining them and comboing enemies on the battlefield was an incredibly addictive and fun experience for me. One of the things I liked most about this game is the chemistry and dynamic between your party members. Characters from the first game make a comeback, such as Sho Minamimoto, a boss from the original game who joins your party pretty early on. The ending is also pretty amazing.

God this game was good. Yakuza 5, like Yakuza 4, has 4 protagonists. Kazuma Kiryu, Shun Akiyama, Taiga Saejima and Tatsuo Shinada. Haruka is also playable, but her segment is more like a segway for Akiyama's chapter. Once again, the combat has been refined, this time to a point that I would say it's the peak of the series, right alongside Yakuza 0 and Kiwami. The story of the game is really good, but Shinada's part amazed me the most. Although it was sad to see Tanimura from Y4 not make it here, Shinada was just as good an inclusion if not better.

I loved this game. Instead of the usual single protagonist being Kiryu Kazuma, you control him alongside 3 other protagonists, Akiyama, Saejima and Tanimura. The story takes an episodic approach, with every character getting their own parts of the story. It all culminates in this amazing finale where you get to play as all four characters. The combat in this game is a huge improvement from Yakuza 3. Each character has their own diverse, unique and interesting moveset that you can level up. 4/5 stars because why they change my boy Tanimura like that

I liked this game so much I got the platinum trophy and did everything 100%. Gravity Rush 2 takes the ideas that the first game had and realises them to their biggest potential. This time around, the gravity shifter can choose from 3 different styles to not only fight enemies, but also to explore the world. The story in this game is told remarkably well with good pacing and the characters get enough development. This game really shines towards the final chapters, as you get some insight about Kat's past that the first game did not give to the players. The finale of this game is absolutely amazing with all these cool boss fights. The side quests are really bad, though. It was a real pain having to complete them all. None of them had anything interesting going for them, apart from a couple where you have to go on an undercover spy mission, those were pretty cool. All in all, Gravity Rush 2 is a great game that has a good story and gameplay, but the side stuff in this game really weigh it down to 3.5/5

Pretty alright game with a terrific soundtrack. I only played it in order to play the rest of the Ys series but I was surprised by its quality.

This game slaps hard. Feena can step on me any time

This is the best Metroid-vania game ever made. Hollow Knight is an amazing game, and I cannot recommend it enough.

Yakuza 0 is everything a game should be; interesting, entertaining and fun. The game's story follows 2 main characters this time, Kazuma Kiryu (Yakuza series main Protagonist) and Goro Majima. This game excels at developing characters, especially Majima and his story. The combat in this game is really enjoyable. Simple combos can lead to very flashy moves that can range from just normal punching to break dancing on the battlefield. Like usual from Yakuza games, there is a very large variety of activities that you can partake in, such as bowling, karaoke, dancing, racing with toys and a lot more. The side quests in this game are also very enjoyable, the only problem being that there are too many of them. To sum up, buy this game. You will not regret it.

This was my first Yakuza game, and it was a blast. This is a remake of the first game released on the PS2. The story is alright, although there were a couple problems with the pacing. The combat in this game is insanely addicting with the amount of options that you have and the combos that you can do. You can choose between 4 different styles of fighting and level them up as you play the game, essentially making the protagonist a one-man army. There are many activities to do, such as bowling, karaoke, racing with toys and many more. If you want to start playing the Yakuza games, I recommend playing Yakuza 0 before this, but you can start with this game.

2nd chester fight almost made me break my psp. good game

Yakuza Kiwami 2 is a remake of Yakuza 2 for the PS2. That's a lot of 2s. This time the game's story is a lot more focused on a single event, unlike the other games in the series that had a lot of things happening at the same time. This approach really helps the game, as it can more easily create big moments of revelation between characters. The combat in this game uses the Dragon Engine, used in games such as Judgment (PS4) and Yakuza 6: The Song of Life and while it may be a bit clunky at first, you become unstoppable once you get used to it. There are many wacky special moves that you can perform mid battle that are really over the top and fun to look at. As per usual, there are many activities in this game, such as karaoke and you even get to manage your own side business as a cabaret club owner.

This game really deserved the remake treatment that Yakuza 1 and 2 got. The movement in this game especially is really bad and you can almost never go straight forward without going slightly to the left or to the right. The combat in this game, while having a lot of good ideas, is not realised very well. Enemies will block all of your attacks and it becomes impossible to damage bosses because they always counter you. If not for the Komaki moves I doubt I would have been able to finish this game on Hard difficulty. The story however, is pretty good. It follows the ending of Yakuza 2 directly, with Kiryu now owning an orphanage. As the game goes on, the story gets even better, especially during the final chapters of the game.

After beating this game, I still don't know what Kingdom Hearts is.

Played the HD Version on PS3. This game was really fun. The combat, although it starts off kind of clunky, gets really good, especially towards the end when you have new abilities. The story is OK, I personally didn't like it all that much, as for most of the game all you are doing is helping Disney Characters with their own problems. Once the game reaches its final 4 hours too many things are introduced at once, leaving the player a little confused. The characters are interesting however, featuring the cast of Final Fantasy 7, a whole bunch of Disney characters and original KH characters. It's nice to see how over the course of the game Sora develops relationships with the characters from other worlds, especially Donald and Goofy. All in All, not a bad game. I did have some difficulty getting through some of the last bosses, but I think that's just because I suck.