The combat is fine, even good.
However, the story, to be more precise the acting and script is unbearable. Every character is quirky, "sassy," like if you got MCU's RDJR's Iron Man and cranked it to 11 - and made this the personality of pretty much the entire fcking cast.
Holy sh

I mean, I don't think there's anything to explain.
Combat is clunky, bad polished, and enemies feel "rubbish."

Fighting bosses, specially, is 100% not enjoyable. You can be demolishing a boss and it still doesn't feel like your hits are doing anything! It's like enemies are bullet sponges, but for melee hits. Sound design is also not that good, especially during combat (first boss, for instance, the huge croc, had a weird "bite" move that OMG!, it looked like a child's toy).

Graphics and art style are also not a big deal.

If you get this game free with PS+, then I think it's worth a try... If you don't have anything else to play, are a masochist, have a terrible taste, and are probably blind.

Damn, how I liked the whole "two-sides" thing/dynamic on this game.

I don't get why they have such long names for these games.
However, "Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Perfect Uber Shinobi War 2" is so fucking good.

This game left me torn.
On one side, I really like the whole sci-fi/space exploration setting. The game does a decent job on this point.
The whole "new galaxy" thing is exciting and allows the developers to separate themselves from the original trilogy.
The combat and class/talent system is also on point.
However, the story is so dull that I found it very difficult to stay engaged during my first playthrough.
On top of that, the supporting characters are unbearable. And I mean it. From Cora's jealousy, Peebee's hyperactivity, or whatever the fuck that was, to how every single individual in Hyperion treats you, I don't think there's a single character that can redeem this game (except your twin).
Also, the game tries to emulate the past ME's choice system, but don't get fooled: it's only an illusion. Your dialogue/action choices mean nothing, 0, nada.

Gave me nightmares when I was a kid.
My parents then asked me what I was playing.
Told them "Diablo 2" and got grounded.
They prohibited me from playing a "devil's game" again.

Excellent graphics and an interesting and engaging art style (even if sometimes distracting).
However, the story is mediocre at best. It is so short that it locks "story events" after a "weekly-type" progression that is made to give the impression that the game is longer than it actually is.

The logic of the game is: Sunday through Friday, you do "chores" or run different (yet always very similar) races to earn money. The main events (the ones that progress the story) all require a minimum amount, so you need to grind during the week to play the story.
Oh, and the iconic BMW M3 GTR GT is for multiplayer only :)

Okish. 3/5 more for the nostalgia

I mean, a NFS game that you only play in "pro-racing" events/format.
What else is there to say?

Tyler is an ass, and his crew is just sooooo annoying

What a crappy game.
NFS are famous for their setting, but here, the city you play in is so small, and there's literally only (one) night setting. I don't know if they committed to this vibe, but the game feels empty like you're playing in a ghost city.
Overall, it looks more like a cinematic experience than an actual game, but with cringe (and I mean, reaaaally cringe) acting and actors.

Controls are clunky and the "asymmetric" style didn't quite work for me.

Great story/narrative. Gameplay-wise, just another hack 'n' slash.