281 Reviews liked by Turbolink

shut the fuck up about cinematic stories Julio

This game is good, shut up Justin

Replicant is what happens when you uncrust a fundamentally crusty and janky game for an actually pleasant experience (a rarity in Yoko Taro's repertoire I'll add)

Does it succeed? I...am inclined to say yes!
The combat isn't the best, especially next to Automata's, but it's crisp and it feels visceral enough to be addictive. The story itself is hard to sum up, but I played already knowing everything until ending D, and enjoyed myself thoroughly.

What the game has as its strongest point without doubt however, is the cast and their dynamics and interactions. Alone, they're some of my favorite characters around. Kaine, Emil and Weiss especially. Together, they are my single favorite cast of characters in any media period.
The way they're written, how they bounce off each other, their comical scenes, their dramatic ones, they are amazing characters who resonate amazingly well with each other, and just for that alone giving the game 5 stars is easy af.

As an aside, the newly added Shipwreck and Ending E only serve to complement the cast even further and they perfectly fall in line with Nier's spirit, and I'm so glad they exist in this game.

With everything said, I do have some small gripes. The redo of part 2 would have been better done only once instead of twice (as an addition to the first time). The 3rd playthrough's additions could definitely have just been part of the 2nd's, and spreading them didn't feel particularly relevant to me.
It took me months to finish cause I kinda just lost motivation along the way, notably at the end where Endings C and D require you to do the final area twice in a row, despite you having done it twice before already.

Interesting to see how Automata would come to resolve all my issues here btw, it's an experience in and of itself to see what Taro took away from developing Replicant.

Anyways, all in all, and despite my gripes, I still consider Replicant a 10/10. Not because it's perfect, but because it's just that good.

I was always gonna come around to playing this eventually, from the resounding praise I heard to just the sheer vibes I got from it (having the same director as Ace Attorney also helped).

And what can I say? I was not disappointed in the least, just the opposite in fact! Ghost Trick is a short but phenomenal experience, meshing a fun, smart and addictive gameplay with gorgeous presentation, a quirky and lovable cast of characters and a really sweet and satisfying plot that ties itself in the best possible way.

I literally have nothing bad to say about it and I teared up a bit at times, and even when I was aware of some twists, I still got blindsided by others lmao.

In short, play Ghost Trick.

(Also...ugh...Radd won I guess)

I kneel...Zenkchi Hasegawa

Pitch perfect final entry to the main trilogy and the best example I’ve seen in how to “end” a series. Series staples are still here, but all are refined to a degree that I didn’t expect the series to be able to reach. There is no such thing as a bad opinion, with the one exception being if the opinion in question is that V3’s ending wasn’t a brilliant way to wrap up the game’s main thematic conflict while interweaving a very powerful message on the impact and meaning fiction can carry.


One time I fell into a pit of fire ants and it was infinitely more entertaining than anything this had to offer

Adol and his 5 new friends take on cool monster personas to explore the grayest medieval city in the planet. Music's still great, combat's still fun, and the new movement options offer some more variety with the combat, although the actual hits don't feel quite as good as VIII. Party system is definitely starting to become stale, but hopefully Falcom takes some of the better ideas from this entry and applies them for the eventual Ys V remake or Ys X.

While a step down from Ys VIII, which is one of the best games in the past few years, it's still pure fun. Likable characters, a decent enough story, and quick, challenging combat make this a wonderful little game. The new traversal options are also a welcome addition.

It's a cool game, but does feel like a step down from VIII, most notably in its story and exploration of its world. The better cast and additions to the gameplay on top of the previous game's already great gameplay make IX still a fun time that I'd recommend.

Pretty nice story, amazing OST and exploring can be pretty fun.

But oh my god the bosses, why are they so bulky. Most of them barely do anything and have such simple patterns, so you are just slapping the boss for like 5-10 minutes. Not the mention the final boss is really not good.