Halo games are separated into two groups: the good ones are a 5/5, and the bad ones are a 2/5. This is one of the bad ones.

Honestly, this is one of the worst games Bethesda has ever released and no one will say anything about it. It has game and immersion breaking moments all of the time, the "Bethesda Treatment," and while that's an issue in other games, it isn't in this game because "it is so big." It really isn't that big, even for the time it came out, and it is an unfinished game. Even in later rereleases, it is an unfinished game. I also find the characters in this game less memorable and less fun then in other games. I also don't like how the combat system is the same as it was in Oblivion. It was fine when that game came out, but to not make any improvements at all? It wasn't like the gameplay in Oblivion was groundbreaking at all. I genuinely do not see what is so amazing about this game.

If you had asked my 3-4 years ago, this game would have been a 4.5/5 or something. But the game only got worse with age, and now it seems as if it is stuck permanently at 3/5. The constant balancing updates that ruined metas made the game less and less enjoyable in my opinion. They simply could not understand how to properly balance the characters in any shape at all, and considering that majority of the game was based off of who was the best character to play, this made team comps very boring. But, it does do more right than not, especially when it comes to the gameplay each character has, making each one feel special.

This is just a slightly worse version of Overwatch, and it is not nearly as fun.

It's just a fun and simple game, nothing more to it.

It is one of the best games in the series by far, and just about everything works about it. Same thing for White.

It is one of the best games in the series by far, and just about everything works about it. Same thing for Black.

Pokemon Black 2 (like White 2) is the only time in the entire franchise they made a sequel to a mainline game, and I would argue this is the best Pokemon has ever had to offer.

One of the most iconic Pokemon games, and when you play it (and it has aged really well might I add), you can see why it was the Gen that helped revived the Pokemon games after the poor showing Gen 2 had. Also has Mudkip.

Still a fun game, but the mechanics are dated, even for a rerelease. Best Pokemon game for a first nuzlocke if you don't have a preference over which game you want to play though.

This is a fun Pokemon game through and through. I don't think the gameplay and all is more than a 4.5/5, but that part is really fun. What isn't fun, though, are the cutscenes. I feel as if it took me 12 hours before the game was finally done telling me stuff and let me play the game, which isn't a good thing. Not to mention, the first 3 hours of this game is just dominated by cutscenes. I think there is maybe 30 minutes of gameplay during this time. This really ruins a lot of the game for me, since it felt like every 5 minutes of gameplay, I was introduced to another 10 minutes of cutscenes.

This is a fun game, for sure, but it was a noticeable downgrade from the previous Gen. One of the good things about this game is that it is difficult, however, it is pretty difficult at the beginning when it comes to which Pokemon spawn, and for someone who likes to nuzlocke Pokemon games, this was frustrating at times. But, overall, it is a fun game.

This game improves a lot on what was done in Diamond and Pearl. The difficulty is higher in this game than in the other Gen 4 games, but it also fixes a lot of the Pokemon spawn rates in my opinion. Also, the aesthetic is way better in this game in comparison to the previous games in the Gen.

While an improvement on the original Gen 2 games, the remake did not address a lot of the issues with the originals. I mean, there is a whole section of the game that is still present in which you essentially find no new Pokemon. It also is insanely easy because it is open-world with no system in place to scale up to your player's level. I can say more, but this did not fix much if anything at all about this Gen.

It is freaking Portal. It is one of the best games ever made. I do think the game is a little dated, but it is also still super fun.