The most played GTA ever, I just think it has a lot of what was missing from previous entries. I didn't feel the urge to do any classic GTA stuff, like the infinite money glitch, and while the multiplayer is fun, I just don't care for it personally.

A classic, one of the best GTA games ever made, just feels dated.

Fun game, everything that has been said about it has already been said, my biggest complaint though is that it feels a little too generic in comparison to the other games of the same era in every aspect except the fact there are almost no cutscenes.

It's freaking Half-Life 2. Everything said about this game has already been said, and the only thing I can say about it is that I was not a huge fan of the ending, completely excusing the fact it is a cliffhanger. I genuinely don't like the ending of the game.

It's fun, but I don't think this is what people wanted when they said more Half-Life games. It also feels a little too repetitive for me.

It's fun, but it is a little more repetitive than Half-Life 2 and it doesn't really feel all that special when you play it.

It's fun, although the gameplay feels really dated playing it now.

Very fun and interesting side of the Half-Life story, but it also just feels way more dated than the original game.

Halo games are separated into two groups: the good ones are a 5/5, and the bad ones are a 2/5. This is one of the good ones.

Halo games are separated into two groups: the good ones are a 5/5, and the bad ones are a 2/5. This is one of the good ones.

Halo games are separated into two groups: the good ones are a 5/5, and the bad ones are a 2/5. This is one of the good ones.

I have no idea how I feel about this, but I think I felt more positive than negative.

Halo games are separated into two groups: the good ones are a 5/5, and the bad ones are a 2/5. This is one of the bad ones.

Halo games are separated into two groups: the good ones are a 5/5, and the bad ones are a 2/5. This is one of the bad ones.

Fun game, although I don't think of it as anything special.