Florence isn't like anything you've ever played before. It's a solely emotional experience about living life through someone else's eyes and trying to feel what they feel through all sorts of moments. I'm not gonna sugar coat it, this is a game about a breakup.

I first played this game about three years ago, before I had even had a single relationship, and at the time it was still incredibly emotionally resonant to me. Since then I've had a few relationships, but I recently went through a really tough breakup and honestly... now I really get the game. There's so much emotional texture in detail in this incredibly simple game that allows you to connect to its world, with fantastic use of a satisfying color palette and probably one of the greatest game soundtracks I've ever heard pulling it all together.

It's only a handful of dollars on the appstore or Nintendo Switch, and takes less than an hour to complete, and I can't recommend it enough. Especially if you're going through something rough in your personal life, give this a try. In the end it's about discovering your true self and moving on from past pain, things that I think can have a positive impact on everyone who plays it.

I don't like the controls, structure, characters or world, but I find the simple rasterized pseudo-3D visuals and the oddly saturated color palette to be a very uniquely compelling style. There's something about watching a polygonal gray ship zip by brightly colored simple backgrounds and pixelated star fields that brings me a sense of joy, all rendered at a blisteringly fast 15 FPS.

Thank you to Yuji Naka and the Prope team for making a game where me and my friends get to slap boxes for an hour. This is what video games can be, uniquely tactile experiences that allow for interactivity in fresh and experimental ways.

I really have no experience with the beat em' up genre, and as I'm trying to expand my gaming horizons and test out franchises and game styles I haven't gotten into before, Streets of Rage felt like a good starting place for what in my eyes seems to be a pretty basic and samey genre.

I played this through the Sega Genesis Classics collection, which offers rewind, speed-up and local/online co-op, and it's more than likely the absolute perfect way to experience this game. Everything about Streets of Rage holds up exceedingly well, it just feels really basic from what your characters can do- just a couple grabs, a jump kick and a punch combo.

Streets of Rage really has a ton of personality in its visuals, music and characters. It has a cliche premise of walking the dirty streets clobbering waves of thugs, but the over the top, ridiculously radical intro and detailed backgrounds make it just a totally tubular audio/visual experience.

There's probably a hidden layer of depth that I don't know about considering I haven't played the game longer than a single playthrough, but as it stands Streets of Rage is brief, rad and satisfying, but just a little bit basic for my taste.

Very interested to see how the series grows in 2 and 3 which are also in this collection!

I'm ashamed to say that I was skeptical of Super Mario Sunshine before I really dug into it. I had heard so much from multiple angles that the game was rushed and awkward, so all in all I avoided it. This is really a shame though, because within the 15 or so hours I spent with the game, I really had a fantastic time.

The thematic consistency of Super Mario Sunshine is its greatest strength. The visuals in each level spanning outward from Delfino Plaza is amazing, and makes me look back with more criticism on Super Mario 64 (another game that I really like), since it just throws random things at the wall in each of its worlds. I love how creative Sunshine is within its tropical limits, creating levels like a haunted beachside hotel casino and construction site suspended over a port, concepts that would never appear in a platformer otherwise. Delfino Plaza itself is also fantastic, with mini platforming challenges and secrets hidden everywhere. I wish it was a bit bigger, but only because I just wanted MORE of it. I know this is heresy, but as someone who didn't go for 100% completion, I really loved the Blue Coins. Secrets hidden around the environment, rewarding me for exploration and a sharp eye or attempting trickier gameplay sections was incredibly satisfying, and through my playthrough I collected about 80 of them.

The water visuals are INSANE for an early gamecube game, easily beating out how water looks in many games from following console generations. On top of that water is a color palette and art style that exudes charm, and in the Super Mario 3D All-Stars collection that I played it through, the widescreen HD visuals are crisp as all hell.

Honestly, although I do love the visuals, style and tone that the game has, its Mario's movement mixed with FLUDD that makes this game one of my new favorites. Hovering makes exploration engaging and allows you greater access to the complex worlds, belly sliding on water is immensely satisfying, and the upgrades backflip that's so easy to use made me feel like I was more in control of Mario's movement than I ever expected to be. The absence of the long jump from 64 frustrated me at first, but when I realized you could gain a similar amount of speed from jumping out of a dive, that was completely nullified.

The problems I have with this game come in very specific sections, so let's just list them out. The slot machine panels controlled FLUDD and the associated King Boo boss fight, fuck that. The chuckster level in Pianta Village? WHY. The FLUDD controlled boat section in Corona Mountain? That's just not fun. The Fluddless levels that constantly increase the difficulty in unfair ways, completely drain away the charm of the game, have terrible design and just annoy the hell out of me? Yeah, I'm not a fan. These are sections you're unfortunately forced to play, and it kills the pacing. I had some levels I got stuck on for a half hour at a time, which just yanked me out of the experience.

These crappy, untested and obnoxious moments however, only served to increase my appreciation for the consistency of the rest of the game. When I returned to Delfino Plaza after being shoehorned into a terrible platforming area floating over an 8-Bit Mario void it felt like a breath of fresh air, and the return of FLUDD to my back made me enjoy having him that much more.

I fully understand the complaints that this game constantly has thrown at it- most of them are valid honestly- but for me the weekend I had jam-packed with Super Mario Sunshine and... little else, honestly, will always be a great memory.


(This review was originally written for my Retrorendum blog, so some things are outdated.)

ARMS is Nintendo’s second new IP since the Gamecube, and it has given the people who haven’t actually played it with a mixed set of reactions. After the original reveal trailer back during the Nintendo Switch press conference in February, many people thought that it was just a gimmick game to show off the joycon’s power, and wouldn’t end up being much deeper than Wii Sports boxing. Will ARMS hit it’s mark or take a punch to the face?

Title: ARMS
Available On: Nintendo Switch
Reviewed On: Nintendo Switch
Info: Nintendo, 2017


Story: ARMS takes place in a world where a mutation exists that allows the effected individuals to stretch their arms out to almost unimaginable lengths. According to the ARMS Laboratory this “ARMS” mutation has existed for around 1500 years, and effects a very very small slice of the population. No one knows how the mutation occurs, those who receive it just wake up one day and have extendable arms. Of course with a mutation such as this it is natural to create a world famous championship fighting show, and that show is what you play in ARMS. As of the day this article goes live there are 13 characters/ fighteres in the world of ARMS, as well as a secret boss character that I’ll leave out for spoiler reasons.
Spring Man - A classic upbeat pretty boy fighter
Ribbon Girl - A famous pop star turned brawler to please her fans
Master Mummy - An undead freak seeking revenge for his family
Mechanica - A genius young girl who built a suit with extendable arms to participate in the league
Ninjara - A ninja student who joined the fight as his graduation project
Kid Cobra - A popular streamer and snakeboarder who was born with the ARMS mutation
Twintelle - A well-known actress who uses her stretchy hair to fight
Byte and Barq - A robot dog and cop duo
Min Min - A ramen shop girl with noodles for arms
Helix - A green gooey failed experiment from the ARMS Lab
Max Brass - The reigning champion of the ARMS league (also planned to be the first new playable fighter)
And finally,
Biff - The friendly announcer for the ARMS League who has one hand on the top of his head.
Each character has their own signature arms, backstory and goals for winning the ARMS League, but aside from what I’ve mentioned there isn’t much story. This might not be the case forever though, because Nintendo has stated that they will be releasing free fighters, stages and ARMS as DLC later on, with included lore tidbits alongside. ARMS’ story and lore is pretty interesting, but it really is bare bones at the moment, so I can’t rate it any higher than 6/10.

Visuals/ Music: The art style and tone of ARMS is one that feels like is was custom tailored to the springy, colorful world the game takes place in, and never leaves you bored while you’re experiencing it. Each locale you visit while brawling is bright and vibrant, and no two stages feel even remotely similar in tone, shape or lighting. There aren’t any texture problems in the game, and the only thing that ever bothers me while I’m playing is Spring Man’s character select model (if you play the game you’ll see what I mean, but that’s just a personal gripe). Aside from that, every character is beautifully modeled and the unique character design rivals the likes of Overwatch and Pokemon in creativity and detail. Even the menu system is slick and bright for the most part, the only exception being that the main menu (which you don’t spend too much time on) is pure black and yellow which some people find obnoxious. ARMS also has the single smoothest and most satisfying Party lobby system of any multiplayer game I’ve ever played. Each stage has a special theme to accompany it as well, and while you probably won’t hear them much during the fights, listening to the soundtrack outside of gameplay is great. My only complaint with the music is that it’s really obvious they wanted the main theme to be integrated into the game everywhere, because chunks of it are woven into over half the stage themes. It’s a great main theme, and very catchy, but it annoys me that it shows up everywhere. The visual and audio design of ARMS gets a 9/10.

Gameplay: Finally, we can talk about ARMS gameplay. ARMS is a fighting game unlike any other, so much so that I honestly don’t know what to compare it to. 2-4 players are thrown into an arena, each equipped with extendable springy limbs and a set of 3 different fists or “ARMS” to choose from. Each character has different stats in speed, strength, and health, as well as an interesting ability ranging from self heal and time slow to quadruple jumps and an arm turning into a dragon. These differences allow you to really find a character that fits your playstyle, and along with every character being able to equip any ARM eventually by spending currency in a minigame called the ARMS getter, any person can customize their own fighter. The main focus of the single player content is the Grand Prix, which is essentially the Arcade mode of ARMS, you play through ten consecutive battles against AI opponents, with the occasional minigame mixed in. Through the Grand Prix you can learn a little about the lore of each character, as Biff tells small snippets before each match starts. There are currently 7 game modes in the game that you can play single player with bots, local multiplayer with up to 4 players, or online in a rotating lobby. Of course you have 1V1 battles, which is the core experience of ARMS, but you also can play 2V2 with each team tied together to force teamwork and communication, and 1V1V1 which is unbalanced and annoying. On top of the fighting there are also 3 different minigames to choose from, Hoops, V-Ball, and Skillshot. The final gamemode is 3 players versus a boss, which can be incredibly fun and challenging on the higher levels. The fighting of ARMS is fast-paced and addicting, but isn’t perfect. It’s difficult to play two player local online, as the lobbies don’t always have room for an extra player, 1v1v1 always ends up with one person being ganged-up on so the other two can just play a normal fight, and grab spamming is definitely an obnoxious (but effective) tactic many people use online. Despite these issues and a lack of a true campaign/ story mode, ARMS delivers some of the most intensely gratifying gameplay I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing in the last few years. Gameplay receives an 8/10.

Verdict: ARMS is a game that I can only hope will grow. It’s in very early stages now, so it’s not clear whether or not it can climb up to be a major franchise for Nintendo, but things are looking pretty good for this wacky fighter as far as the first week goes. I’ll definitely be playing it for a while with my friends, and I should be dipping back in every time a new character, game mode or map is released. ARMS has surpassed Mario Kart 8 Deluxe as my second favorite Nintendo Switch game, and will likely hold that spot until Super Mario Odyssey and Skyrim come out in the winter this year. I can’t recommend ARMS enough, but if the lack of single player content is a let down for you, you should still consider picking it up maybe in a year or at christmas when more content has filled in the gaps. ARMS gets a solid rating of 8/10.

Side Note: Since this review I played over 120 hours of the game, played all the post-launch content and collected literally every item in the game, and my opinion has gone wayyyyyy up.
(Reviewed on June 23rd, 2017)

The controls work about 60% of the time, but that's okay because the game seems to not care if you don't succeed or not because it's constantly giving you items and power ups to excuse your failure. What this leads to is a game that plays like it should be frustrating and full of friction, but is actually just a garishly colorful hour-long romp with screechy voice acting. If the game wasn't so forgiving it would be worse, but I was able to breeze through it and see the last true rhythm game from the creators of PaRappa and Vib Ribbon in just about an hour.

It's interesting that it happened, but it barely works and there's really nothing to it.


I've never liked a rogue-like before Hades, and in fact I was nervous to get into this one since the genre had been such a turn off to me in the past. I tried it for about an hour and was intrigued but not hooked- but when I put another session into trying it, I was pulled in and played for over 4 hours.

This game is a dream to control- you have a whole host of variable weapons that allow you to fit the combat to your liking, and an absolutely LUDICROUS number of upgrades items and ability perks which you can either get purposely before a run or randomly within one. Each run allows you to get just a LITTTTLE bit stronger, collecting just enough gems, darkness or cthonic keys to get to that next unlock, making the gameplay loop immensely addictive. You always feel like you're just on the edge of getting something cool, the drip feed of new mechanics and upgrades to old ones is just delicious.

On top of that, the die-and-start-again nature of rogue-likes actually factors into the story, which makes it incredibly unique. The game features tons of incredible characters to interact with who have some of the best voice acting I've heard in a game, and their relationship with you, other characters and the world around them grows as you slowly become stronger and more intimately connected with the depths of hell.

This game also has BEAUTIFUL art, and the amount of environmental detail is mind-boggling. While you're in combat everything in the background fades away while you engage in super-high speed battles of slashing and dodging, but as soon as that high calms down, you're given the chance to explore the room you just demolished and relish in the art that's presented to you, while Zagreus reflects on his current situation.

This game is just a gem, man. It got me to like a rogue-like, reinterested me in Greek mythology, told me a surprisingly compelling story, and just in general surprised me all around.
I highly recommend everyone give this a shot, especially because if it does hook you, you can use cloud saves to continue the same game across PC, Switch and I think PS4- which is just fucking rad.

(This review was originally written for my Retrorendum blog, so it is a bit dated in some areas but the review still stands true)

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here. I started this blog, or at least the idea of a game review blog, as a school project about two years ago. The very first game I reviewed was a wacky PS2 game called Katamari Damacy that I’d found by the happy accident of my friend owning an old disc, and I quickly grew to love it, completing the game in under a week by playing a few hours each day. That love never died, and over the last few years I’d find myself pulling up the Katamari soundtrack on YouTube or popping in the disc to roll up a few towns and relax. Enter the Nintendo Direct that happened on September 3rd of last year. We got the announcement of Luigi’s Mansion 3, Town, Animal Crossing Switch and more, but to me the biggest moment of the show was the reveal of Katamari Damacy Reroll, an announcement that literally had me standing on my chair and yelling in excitement as my friends watched me with growing concern. I got the game for Christmas this past year courtesy of my brother, and I played it non-stop for days until I once again rolled up the moon and the credits rolled. The next day, once again consumed by Katamari fever, I ordered a copy of the original game’s PS2 sequel, We <3(Love) Katamari. This is the game I’ll be reviewing today, as I completed it this morning.

Title: We <3 Katamari
Available and Reviewed On: PlayStation 2
Info: Namco, 2005


Story: The King of All Cosmos may have royally screwed the planet and all its people a few years ago, but after they played the game Katamari Damacy, they can’t help but crave more of it’s addicting gameplay, unique style and ear-worming tunes. It’s your job, as the King’s son, Prince, to return to the surface of the earth and aid any Katamari fan with what ails them- by rolling up anything and everything in your path. Each level you select from the newly renovated hub map is a different task from a different fan, each with their own small tale to tell that ties in to what you’ll be doing in the following level. There’s also a subplot that is told through a cutscene every few levels that depicts the life of the King, through all his successes and hardships. This plot provides much more character to the quirky characters in the royal cosmic family, and also introduces you to the King’s father, who has his own small character arc as well. This story is told without any dialogue or text, and while that does miss the greatness that is Katamari’s charming writing, it makes sense in the context of a flashback over a cosmic being’s lifetime. Combined, these two tales make We <3 Katamari a much more engaging game since it provides small goals in the form of the cutscenes as well as giving the characters more depth and development. It’s wacky, fourth wall breaking, and just so Katamari. 9/10

Visuals: This is a department where We <3 Katamari isn’t too far from it’s predecessor, but the minor changes that are provided make the visual treat that the game does provide much more satisfying. The visuals are virtually identical, although this game has a much wider variety of creative items and diverse locales that make the best of the simplistic art direction and flesh out the world that you’re plodding through. This change in world design is most apparent in the game’s new types of levels, such as the firefly level (see picture below), where the entire level takes place at night, with peaceful french-inspired music playing in the background and a thick layer of gently swaying fireflies that glow softly as you roll them onto your sticky ball. Another fantastic level is the under water one, where schools of fish of all shapes and sizes zip by and you collect colorful stones and other aquatic goodies. It’s levels like these that make We <3 Katamari into a much different beast than Katamari Damacy, since it provides you with a more intimate sense of scale in the world, as well as showing you just how much beauty and creativity you weren’t shown during the relatively catastrophic events that took place after the King’s drunken rampage. Overall the visuals aren’t actually improved over the first game, but much more creative usage of Katamari’s art style lends itself to a more coherent and satisfying experience. 9/10

Music: Katamari music is an acquired taste. It’s all over the place -drawing inspiration from tons of genres and creating its own style with multiple recurring themes- all the while attempting to be drilled into your skull as some of the most memorable and uplifting tunes that any video game has provided. I think the reason the music in We <3 Katamari stuck with me as much as it did is because of how much I’d enjoyed the soundtrack of the first game. This soundtrack is heavily influenced by that one, taking the main theme in many different directions including but not limited to awkward acapella, softcore rock, and animal noises (yes that is real). Once again however, it’s diversity where this game truly shines. The tunes playing in each level are wildly different, matching the aforementioned variety of unique stages. Guitar melodies may be followed by a soothing chorus in a vast field of flowers, or a sound-effect filled chaotic tune may play while you race across an island at 5 times the normal speed. One other thing this game does allow is the ability to choose which song you want to play during each level before you play it, although I personally stuck to whatever the game had preset. I greatly enjoyed the music of We <3 Katamari, and I look forward to creating a playlist that incorporates the best of from both games. 10/10

Gameplay: Here’s the big ‘un. The most important aspect of any video game, especially one so based around the uniqueness of video games as a medium- gameplay. This is where We <3 Katamari differs most from Katamari Damacy, although it may not be apparent at first. The controls (unsurprisingly) are unchanged, and you have no new abilities or upgrades to your ball- but the important part is everything surrounding the actual Katamari mechanics. The level design and pacing and progression have all been majorly overhauled between entries, and I’ll devote time to the changes on each aspect. First with the level design. As I’ve mentioned in the previous sections, this is the way We <3 Katamari stands furthest apart from the original. Every level is much smaller in scale, taking place in one type of location, such as a campground or a zoo, in one building, such as a single school, or even just one kid’s room. Tied into these more focused stages are many unique mechanics, which vary wildly from level mechanics. In one level you’re be tasked with keeping a ball aflame to grow big enough to light a bonfire, making it necessary to manage your fuel levels by focusing on collecting burnable objects, as well as avoid water to make sure your Katamari doesn’t instantly go out- which would force you to restart the stage. Another level has you rolling a skinny sumo wrestler around a town, picking up food and allowing him to grow in size so he can fulfill his dream of winning a sumo tournament. Next is pacing and progression, which is the part of this game I had the biggest issue with- and unfortunately is the main reason this doesn’t get a perfect score (spoilers). The problem originates from the exact thing the level design does so well, which is smaller scale missions and more consistent size. This means the game as a whole doesn’t have the same sense of progression that made the first game so addictive. You no longer start out small then consistently grow until you’re absorbing literal continents, but instead stay approximately the same size, except for one level in the middle where you’re able to reach over 1000m. This means that the final level, which I won’t spoil, is oddly anticlimactic since its scale feels completely out of place. This same final level has another side though, because it’s actually given to you early- but you aren’t able to finish it quite yet. This isn’t necessarily a good thing, since I think the game would have been fine without this change, but it’s still an interesting way to show progression. Gameplay gets a 9/10.

Verdict: We <3 Katamari is a fantastic game. It’s lightyears ahead of the original in some ways, that lead to a much more diverse experience, but also takes a step back from one of the main aspects that made the first game so addictive. It’s quirky, unique, and most of all a ton of fun. It’s a game I’d recommend to anyone who enjoyed the original game, and even to those who just want something new. In my opinion these two games, We <3 Katamari and Katamari Damacy, are two different beasts that work best in a pair. One gives you a more grand and god-like story with an incredible sense of progression, while the other shows you the intimate side of the world and its people, along with a hearty dose of well… heart. We Love Katamari is a must play, and gets a 9/10 from me.

(Reviewed on January 4th, 2019)

This game is actually pretty damn solid when you're able to use the rewind functionality to avoid NES era BS level design. Outside of weird difficulty spikes and the aforementioned BS, this is an incredibly forward thinking and influential action platformer with a ton of charm. The designs of the enemies and bosses and the levels they reside in have a lot of personality and variation, which makes each level have its own flavor.

The basic Mega Man ideas of choosing your level order and acquiring new weapons that can be used in different scenarios is super forward thinking, and tbh was handled incredibly well from the very beginning. This carries into Wily's castle, which gives you 4 levels that you have to use all your abilities to conquer- the platforming areas of which are really quite fun.

The only downside to the weapons system is that some boss battles become extreme pushovers if you know the weaknesses, and I just wish they were balanced a bit better to fit in between crap like Fireman's obnoxiously fast attacks and the like 2 hit kill I was able to get on Iceman. I also found some of the Wily's castle bosses to be more frustrating than fun, namely the bubble bots which weren't engaging to fight.

A few final things to mention- the dropping platforms in Guts Man's stage aren't that bad, Yellow Devil is actually a fun boss with rewind because of it's unique mechanic, and the Magnet Beam is a great item that combines excellently with the rest of your arsenal.



Alright- I'm gonna be the one to say it- as the official Yoshi fan of Backloggd (the only one with a rating above 4 stars), this is an absolutely charming and addicting puzzle game that stacks up (pun intended) to Dr. Mario and Tetris, both of with I love. The mechanics of swapping the stacks allows for a lot of precision in how you control the board, the egg sandwiching mechanic is IMMENSELY satisfying, moreso than getting a tetris imo, and both the high score and challenge modes are a ton of fun, and are different enough to warrant playing.

There's also a lot of freedom in how you set your options before starting a game, including playing all of it in competitive multiplayer! Honestly I randomly selected this on NES Online the other day knowing nothing about it before hand, and I instantly was grabbed by the addicting gameplay loop and score systems and had played for well over two hours.

It might not be on the level of impact of Tetris or Dr. Mario, but I really do think Yoshi is great and totally worth putting a few hours into to see if the mechanics grab you like they did with me. Especially now that it's so readily accessible on NES Online, and is free because of that!

Barely works as a video game, especially in the stamp mode. All of these card games that make up over half the game lineup not only feel and look the same, but are so reliant on luck that it becomes an exercise in patience and willpower to slog through minutes-long games that boil down to "flick the stylus once every 60 seconds while you wait for the CPUs to finish their turns, and hope that luck goes your way".

Atrocious game, genuinely one of my least favorite ever. At least the box art is cool.

Donkey Kong Country is a beautiful, atmospheric and infinitely charming platformer that unfortunately I'm too much of a wuss to play without rewind. I'm very glad I at least beat it, and I did have a good time because of the game's sense of humor and lovable characters, but the challenge of dying in one hit and having to get a game over after too many deaths is too much of an old-school game design philosophy for me to truly say I loved it.

In a way I feel bad about using rewind an absolutely ludicrous amount since it let me cheese my way through essentially everything, but I don't think I would have beaten the game if I hadn't, since this is a time where I really have a lot to play.

Excited to discuss it on Back Log Banter next week and also hop into Donkey Kong Country: Diddy Kong's Quest when it releases on Super Nintendo Online next week. Also Mario's Picross.

Marvel's Avengers has so much charm and potential that it genuinely pisses me off that the final product is such a shit show. I couldn't complete the game because of a terribly designed mission close to the end of the campaign that bugged out and wouldn't let me proceed.

The game has decent combat and fun characters, but that is all hidden behind a swamp of buggy action, repetitive level design and mission structure and more texture pop in, improper rendering and glitches that invade every segment of the game.

I had really high hopes going in, but damn this is just an underwhelming, underbaked product that I'm severely disappointed in.

Super Mario Bros. 3 is a game I was honestly skeptical of going in. It's widely renowned as one of the best of its already highly regarded genre, and has the seat as the most hyped game of all time when it came out- but as someone who isn't super into straight up 2-D platformers, I didn't expect to personally get much out of it.

I'm pleasantly surprised though, to say that I really do like this game a lot. It's not quite flawless or the peak of the Mario series (I actually still like the original Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 2 more, personally), but it's a damn charming game absolutely dripping with innovation and creativity.

I'll just get my complaints out of the way first, starting with the repetitiveness of some of the level theming. While each world has its own general theme, ranging from the usual grass and desert to the wild sky and pipe worlds, there are levels in each world that feel functionally and visually identical. The main contenders for this unholy category are the airship and castle levels, which ended up pissing me off as the game progressed because they were just SO DAMN SIMILAR EVERY TIME. I mean seriously, ending each world with a nigh identical cutscene and setup is bad enough, but making each final level look like sections of the same map is just boring and frustrating. It doesn't help that the boss fights in both the castles and airships are also incredibly underwhelming and repetitive, so much so that I was so used to slightly remixed Boom Boom fights and lame Koopalings that the Dark World at the end just left me bored. Unfortunately this also extends to some of the regular levels in certain worlds that just feel the same and slightly remixed versions of previous worlds, leading to a lot of the game being visually samey and lacking in terms of thematic variety.

The game is also just too much for the NES to handle, to be honest, and it has more slow down and visual errors than I think I've ever seen in any major Nintendo game. The game absolutely SHITS itself when there are a certain number of moving sprites on the screen, slowing down to a crawl that makes platfoming nearly impossible. It can happen at any moment and inconsistently too, since it only takes that one extra sprite to break the metaphorical camel's back where the game switches from running great to chugging like Joey from Joey's World Tour. There's also this weird visual glitch that plagues the entire game, with sprites on the edge of the screen on the right appearing green as you run, and the sprites on the left disappearing too early. I played the game on Nintendo Switch NES Online, but I highly doubt that its the Switch port that created the errors. It really is ugly to look at and it distracted me on many occasions.

Really though, those two things aren't major enough blemishes for me to discount everything else this game does fantastically. The chug and glitch that the game experiences is wholly because this game is years ahead of its time in so many ways. Just thinking of the platformer genre I grew up with, so much of the staples of it came completely from this game. Collectable power-ups? Auto-scrolling levels? WORLD MAPS? There’s so much that this game did to innovate on the stagnation of Mario games in the 80s that it boggles the mind, and it makes the scope of the game gargantuan when compared to its predecessors. It also certainly is one of the best looking games on the NES, with sprites multiple times more detailed, colorful and expressive than the ones in the original Super Mario Bros. I personally really love the visual details in the level platforms and background flavor wise, with depth, charm and character oozing out of each sprite. On top of that the game is so much more animated than the original, with small touches like Mario grabbing his hat when he crouches and Spikes barfing up spike balls giving everything a lot more personality. A personal favorite of mine is the title screen of the game, which has a colorful logo with a fun animation of Mario dicking around in front of it, all presented like a staged play.

Super Mario Bros. 3 is also a game that set the gold standard for new mechanics at the time. There are so many new things to handle in 3 that it almost overwhelmed me at first, since I wasn’t expecting so much to be thrown at me. First, there’s an inventory of power-ups to deal with, and the new systems of collecting them in mini games, challenge levels and Toad houses. This same inventory also contains items that can be used to interact with the overworld map, letting you find secrets, extra paths or even skip entire levels, which is just so damn cool. The aforementioned power-ups are also kinda bonkers when compared to the simplicity of the fire flower and power stars of ye old days, with the Frog Suit, Racoon Leaf, Hammer Suit and Tanooki Suit each having impact on Mario’s combat, traversal ability and even just his basic movement mechanics. You can FLY with the racoon and tanooki suits, managing the P (heh) meter at the bottom of the screen, which incentivises you to find ways to speed through levels and git gud so you can use that oh-so-satisfying speed boost and take-off. You can also kick and grab and carry a bunch of crap in the levels, allowing for a lot more interactability in the levels, leading to some fun puzzle levels that help break up the pacing of the game a bit and make it feel more mechanically complex. There are also level specific mechanics that are REALLY damn cool, like the one pipe world level where you ride on these controllable arrow blocks, the giant world level where you swap between big and small, and the pipe world level where you have to go off the screen and wrap around Pac-Man style. I really like the pipe world, if you couldn’t tell.

Look, I’m not known for my supreme consistency, but I’m about to compliment this game on its level creativity. BEFORE YOU STOP READING- I’m saying this only to highlight the creativity of this game, and to accentuate my earlier criticism about the levels that stick out as repetitive and uninspired. This game has a lot of basic areas, like grass, desert, water and the spooky Bowser world at the end, but the ones that stand out are honestly some of the best platforming worlds I’ve played. I mean COME ON, Giant, Sky and Pipe World are all absolutely fantastic. The concept of a Mario world where everything is big is great, and introduces new ways to deal with even the most basic of enemies and obstacles. Sky world has the ridiculously delicious gimmick of changing up the world map halfway through, which is accessed through a vine in one of the levels, and you can see the rest of the world down below. And honestly Pipe world is probably my favorite platformer world I’ve played. Each level has its own unique mechanics, with spins on exploration and puzzle solving, and it gives a new context to the iconic mario pipe. Chef’s kiss.
Even in the basic worlds like the introductory Grass world, it has a unique spin in that the level platforms are bolted onto the background or hanging from the sky, along with environmental details.

This game also has a TON of amazing new enemies to encounter outside of the mediocre boss battles, contributing to it having a super fun and creative vibe all around. Here’s a list of some of the highlights: Spikes, little green guys that barf up spike balls, Buster Beetles, an enemy that picks up blocks in the environment and hurl them towards you (IN THE PERFECT ARC THAT ALWAYS SCREWS ME OVER), Chain Chomps that are obviously iconic, Ptooies, walking Piranha Plants that blow spikeballs over their heads, and Pile-driver Micro Goombas that hide inside blocks and jump around when you come near. ON TOP of these the game shines in the smaller more obscure enemies that are just unique and fun to look at, like Micro goombas, Walking Piranhas, Jelectros, Shoe Goombas, Hot Foots (hot feet?), Munchers, and my personal favorite, the Stretches.

All in all, I think writing this long-ass review kinda showed me that I like this game a lot more than I originally thought. There’s so much about it that I think is wacky and creative and supremely innovative, and I really do want to play it through more times to catch things I missed and give it more attention. Super Mario Bros. 3 might not be perfect, but it's a really damn charming game that I think is a must-play for any Nintendo platforming fan. Its influence can be felt to this day in so many ways across the games medium, and while I might not have the nostalgia for it that it’s biggest fans do, I can fully agree that most of its praise is fully warranted.