I'm gonna be simple, this game is dogshit
It doesn't run that well and i got soflocked about twice or thrice in the span of four hours, how even?
Looking at the game from the outside, the combos may look good, something like DMC, but no, it's just mindless mashing, not cool.
The Story seems to be good though, the majority of the points I give it come from that.
The designs are what you would expect from an anime gacha game, not much to comment here.
Oh, and remember when Genshin was getting accused of copying other games? Yeah that actually happens here, and not in a shy way. The literal first stage in the game has the protagonist fighting some random enemies above a plane that's flying above a city, and the character seems to have some witch time powers, a virgin's bayonetta, bet y'all are wetting your tiny willies at that (also her first form's image is literally a copy paste of DMC 3 Dante's render, amazing).
The gacha kinda sucks, but that's to be expected since it's a gacha, the only good gacha is a dead gacha. Different from Genshin, the difference from a 4 star to a 5 star is way too obvious to be ignored. At least they seem to give away 5 star characters from time to time, that's the way I got my daughter Seele, yay. Another thing they do that is nice is provide the characters' trials to us regularly.
To touch on that first part again. Seriously, how it this mess of a game so badly optimized? The menus are actual cancer to look at, that remind you of those shady websites that you shouldn't be visiting but you still do for some reason. A bunch of unnecessary things screaming at you and an information overload of enormous proportions.
Talking about polish, this game's combat animations and the combat itself have as much polish as an average sonic game (that is to say, none at all) and yeah, I fell out of the map and softlocked on menus, dialogues and missions way too many times for the little time that I wasted my time on this bunch of ugly pixels.
I didn't reach the endgame because I don't want to kill myself yet, but mihoyo hasn't done a good (hell, decent even) endgame system yet, so I doubt this is any different.
I'm not revisiting this one anytime soon, Seele having a new form will not win me over, but it was a good try.

I've already written a review for this game before, but after some time, as an AR52 player, I thought I should rewrite all of it.

I'll be writing about the negatives most of the review, this game has really strong points, like enjoyable and pretty characters, quite a beautiful soundtrack and lore, which is is actually really good (people would understand that if the story-telling wasn't god awful), but it also has some stuff that's really bad, that holds it from being a 10/10.
Before starting, don't be pressured by twitter or by the people you know, once you actually play this game you'll realize that it's not and it never was a BOTW copy, people that say that either hate just to hate and most likely never even touched the game. Don't surrender to peer pressure, you're better than that.

Generally Genshin Impact is easy, the difficulty comes from dumb and enormous incoming damage in higher world levels and dps races in the abyss, which sucks. The balance is awful as well, some characters are braindead while others seem as if they were butchered from the start.

There are some good fights here, the weekly bosses come to mind. A majority of the rest is not good though. Boring, annoying or unfair. I still can't understand how people like Oceanid.

I've always been a F2P, and I tend to have insane luck in this type of gacha. This wasn't an exception but I can't deny that it is ass, the pity system is nice but the rates are bad and the lack of 3 and below characters combined with a dependence on good weapons that also come from gacha is not good. The fact that some late 5 constellations are busted, like Hu Tao C6, doesn't help this game's case. FGO's system wasn't good by any means but good lord.

Once you hit AR45 shit hits the fan, you're now ready to farm artifact domains and get 5* artifacts! Those are essencial to your damage, so you better do it now! Would be a shame if they had 20000 layers of RNG.
This isn't like World's RNG on Safi weapons, nooo, you need 1) The right piece 2) From the right set 3) With a good main stat (except for flowers and feathers) 4) Good substats and 5) Good rolls on 6) The right substats. Sounds appealing doesn't it?
This becomes worse with the amount of sets, there is a lot of diversity, too much in fact, so you have to do it a lot of times for a lot of characters. And it isn't like armor sets in Monster Hunter, certain characters demand certain sets or their damage goes to the ground.

This leads us to the biggest problem of all, resin.
While the amount of RNG on artifacts is still absurd, it becomes the problem that it is because you have limited resin. If you want to raise a character, you need to use resin on leylines, on ascension materials, on talents, on weapon ascension materials and on artifacts, providing you have a decent weapon to begin with. This strips your will to raise a different character.

This game is fun and I honestly enjoy it, but hoyoverse needs to understand that I don't want def% on my yanfei, I really don't. Give me crit cowards.

man if only this had a good pc port

This review contains spoilers

-This game has Enri

-Neun's lack of clothes (i still prefer Engel as a name fuck you Ebel)

Now seriously, the characters are enjoyable, I really like the interactions between Ebel and the others. The story is nice and the OST honestly is barely noticeable, but when it tries it pops off.
I really love Enri :)

It's good and fun but I am too good at crashing this game for its own good

Very good expansion, a lot of new moves and some really cool fights, a shame that it adds a small amount to the cast (really the lack of deviljhos is really strange) and part of that amount is fucking magma almudron. That piece of shit can go suck a dick or two.

The Apex monsters are completely out. The system was really badly implemented in base rise but it's still a weird decision, it was a bummer losing some of them. I don't know how they will substitute them. (EDIT 2: uhh well..)

The endgame is certainly decent (EDIT 2: fucking no KEKW), at least it's not as bad as rise's (it didn't even have one), but it's at the early game that you notice how small the new roster is. The majority of key quests are base game monsters, and some of them are even more annoying, like arzuros.

The lack of detail still hurts, the world just isn't the same as world's (HAHA GET IT "WORLD" I'M SO FUCKING FUNNY), I guess we can blame the switch for this. On top of that, I still don't like the wyvern ride mechanic, every monster encounter outside of the quest target's is scripted to a fault, leading to monsters like bazelgeuse losing all their personality. The monsters' AI is terrible, it's always enraged (it's even worse with the afflicted, god bless that PoS of an endgame), the input reading system is still a bitch to charge blade players (among a series of problems that plagues CB in this game), rathian's tail flip still poisons you even with a cut tail, khezu hasn't been deleted from the game, almudron still sucks, a lot of things from rise that could have been changed in sunbreak. At least they improved the wall running.

I complained for the majority of this review but I end up having fun playing this damned game. I just hope that the title updates add a shit ton of monsters and cool events. (EDIT 2: hahhahahahHAAHAHAHAHA)

Edit 1: The near genshin level of RNG that the armor augmenting system will bring in the first title update might make me lower this game's score actually

Edit 2: They're pushing the paid dlc way too hard, time to lower the score

Edit 3: Now that we know all the game's monsters, I can say that the roster is excellent, but the power creep is terrible and the monsters spend more time enraged than non-enraged

Dante and Vergil + Alisa do be incredible

Capcom why shitty megaman? ;-;

I have some good ass luck, but this game is still ass

My friends playing // Me watching them suffer https://imgur.com/W7l7G5G