What to say about this game?

It's incredible taking inspiration from the assassin's creed games and other narrative playstation titles. Ghost of Tsushima creates a world that not only feels like a painting at times wish stunning visuals but a great story with amazing characters and a main character who I can't wait to see in the next game

A fun and great adventure set in the universe of borderlands what's not to love?

A great game especially with friends.

Loved going for the 100% on this game.

A fun story with some great characters just a shame that the gameplay and getting round the map was meh

Not an incredible game but a fun little puzzle game that can be completed pretty fast

Played this with another trophy hunter from a chat I'm in.

I enjoyed the earlier part of the game but when it got to the late game I was hoping for it to end.

A silly game from way back. I have owned this for a while and decided to get it off the backlog and another platinum.

This game for the most part is straightforward and silly but the flappy goat trophy is awful and rage inducing so glad I got this.

A FPS that is made to be a fast platinum.

If you are boosting numbers it's a great game to play but wouldn't recommend if you want a game for more than a quick platinum.

What is there to say about Skyrim that hasn't already been said?

A great RPG released on everything but your toaster.

A great game if you haven't played this yet please do

An enjoyable racer. A far cry from the older titles in the series going for a more arcade feel this game still has some charm and with a map creator there is more content than just the campaign maps.

A game I have had on my backlog for a while and have finally finished.

I have spent countless hours on Minecraft on different versions and enjoyed Minecraft vita.

The game is the classic old minecraft we know up until the aquatic update.

The only downside of these versions is the map size

A fun little game with nice graphics.

It's super short which is great for trophy hunters but if you are looking for more gameplay like this there are more in the series

This is the way you should do sequels.

The story is fun and heartfelt at times with some new characters.

The web swinging is improved with boost starts and web wings that make getting across the map so much more fun