Games Featuring Dragon Racism

Dragons are so cool, they don't deserve this.

The plot of this game centers around you, a member of the Dragonblood Clan.

The Dragonblood clan are a race that worship the Divine Dragon. The Royal Family (and basically pretty much everyone else) hates them for it, and you are discriminated against in most dialogue boxes.
"in fire emblem awakening they say nowi got enslaved and they made her do dragon party tricks..." - ikissgirls
"...and in fates they call u a freak when u transform into a dragon thing" - ikissgirls




The mid-game plot twist reveals that Merga, the game's antagonist has contempt for Shang-Tu due to the Earth Dragon's genocide of her people, the Water Dragons. She and Lilac are the only living ones.

This results in Merga and the Magister (revealed to be an Earth Dragon) trade some decidedly racist remarks to each other.


1 year ago

Big side eye to the Fire Emblem series, by the way.
Something doesn't sit right with me about it, I just KNOW they treat dragons unfairly in that series.

1 year ago

in fire emblem awakening they say nowi got enslaved and they made her do dragon party tricks and in fates they call u a freak when u transform into a dragon thing so yeah definitely a lowkey amount of dragon racism in the entries i've played
also is this what final fantasy xiv heavensward is about??? haven't played it yet so idk

1 year ago

FE6 definitely counts

1 year ago

I've only played FE3H and not even all of the routes (only Azure Moon) so I'm fairly inexperienced on FE. The way they talk about dragons in that game kind of tipped me off though.

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